I realize my username is possibly the most generic one on this site, but surprisingly, it actually has a decent backstory. So…
wall of text incoming
It all started about 10 years ago (in 2004 I think) when I went to get a LEGO ID on their website. Being 7, I just made something random- at the time being momo- as my first attempt at a username. Of course, this was already taken, so I took the first suggested username- momo3225.
Fast forward several years. I get an Xbox 360, and, of course, need a username to play on line. Long ago I decided that ‘momo3225’ was FAR too juvenile for a sophisticated 12 year old like myself, so I decided to make something new. I had a friend who’s IGN was storylover, and I figured that a username based off of something I liked could also be good. I chose legolover. No numbers, nothing. And there was a very good reason they weren’t needed.
As you may have noticed… it was a slight bit (not to be offensive) gay, and was aptly called out as being so in EVERY ONLINE MATCH I EVER JOINED. Less than a week in, I decided it was worth shelling out the $10 to change it. But question was- to what? I wanted to stick with the theme of what I liked (being mildly ok ok extremely obsessive with legos at the time) and decided on legofan instead. This one WAS taken (legos are a cool thing yo), and I had to come up with some numbers to get it to work. Thinking back to my LEGO ID a few years back, I decided to use what the LEGO website had recommended when I was 7 years old- 3225.
I’ve tried to change it several times, but It’s kinda become rooted to who I am with my friends, and it’s what people recognize me by online. It’s in my Email, linked to my computer, and more… it’s kinda become my online identity (except on Wii U, where I had to become legofan905 due to registering myself to a friends console then forgetting the password).
So… that’s my username’s story. Influenced by lego.com when I was 7 and friends, it just kinda evolved and stuck. If I could change it I probably would (yet again it’s so generic it isn’t even funny), but it’s become so correlated with me among my friends and the entirety of the internet there’s really no hope now XD.
So that’s that.