My new username is my irl nickname, given to me by my classmates because I wear sunglasses all the time (because of my photosensitivity).
My previous username was Thea, the name of the titan goddess of sight/heavenly light.
My new username is my irl nickname, given to me by my classmates because I wear sunglasses all the time (because of my photosensitivity).
My previous username was Thea, the name of the titan goddess of sight/heavenly light.
Got Viper’s answer!
A long, long time ago I was a guy.
A scrub dub named Mactray. Now, this name I practically used everywhere, Club Penguin, Wizard101, Minecraft… heck, even here for a very short time.
Then I felt that I needed to separate myself from it, as it has had it’s course taken and the name also reveals personal information. So I took upon the name of my favourite Sentai hero, Beet J Stag.
After a while, I joined the original CHC, the Metru Nui Build Crew.
I was in a call with them, not using my mic because I was sick at the time. As a joke, @MaximumWarp started calling me Beef rather then Beet, so as a joke I renamed myself Beef J Stag on Skype.
It stuck for a very long time, and I never really got rid of it.
Although, sometimes @Nyran likes to say that Matt simply miss-read it. But when he does, he’s probably high or something.
Love you too.
I guess that means today’s opposite day.
So I guess I adore you as my lord and saviour.
I’m sure many members of these boards have heard this story, but I’m going to go through this again since this topic exists.
My original username was created on Makutafest 2014 before the livestream.
I spent all day trying to think of something original, but since I couldn’t quite come up with anything good, I made the livestream website account “Axonn126” since Axonn was my favorite set at the time. 126 was just three random numbers that I came up with that sounded like it flowed well with Axonn.
The intent of Axonn126 was to be a placeholder until I could come up with something original. So after a few months with the help of my bro @Risebell, I came up with the name OculusNuva.
I knew at first that I wanted to have Nuva at the end of my name, sorta like Kahinuva, so I could be called by a shortened version of the name. The actual Oculus part came from me and Rise trying to figure out a name, and he asked me what sort of hobbies I do. I replied with photography, so he suggested Oculus. I almost rejected it at first, and I wasn’t really feelin’ it, but it started to grow on me and now I really like the name. I think it’s a good fit.
TL;DR: I made the name Axonn126 as a placeholder for something original, Risebell suggested Oculus, and so it was.
I officially changed my name to Xevins to make my life simpler
Aw…I liked the name Jeagernaut, it had originality. Ok, maybe not too much originality, but at least it sounded cool.
Xevins is ok though.
So, I’ve had 3 usernames over the years. Starting back, geez, a good 10-11 years ago, I was given the nickname Evey-E by my parents since I was little and really into rap. I used it for everything, including the Lego website. A good 8-9 years passed, and I got tired of the name, and how childish it felt. I took to a simple alternative username, Evan210, 'cause originality yo. This is the first mention of my real name within the Bionicle community EVER! I soon thought that I should use a less personal name for anonymity. I used TheMakutaTeridax on Minecraft, and Lewa Nova Barf on BZPower, but those to where abandoned within a a couple months. I decided to make myself an internet identity, and to use a character as my persona. I had recently been MOCing alot, but I took to liking a little Mctoran MOC. He had a lime-green body and custom arms so he could hold things, and black feet to match his Pakari. I had named him Ranaki, after the Maori word for Avenger something to do with his backstory. I decided to flesh his story out a bit, but it soon spiraled into an almost new idea. I created a new MOC to represent the new Ranaki, and I gave him a last name, Pakewa, meaning Wander. Together, the name Ranaki Pakewa loosely means Wandering Avenger. The Capt. part was added during a role-play that had him as the Captain of his own space cruiser. I sometimes will drop the Capt. part because it seems a bit pretentious, but I tend to keep it around the Bionicle community, since some simply refer to me as Capt. The name has stuck for a few years now, and I don’t see it changing for a while. I did change my name to sw3ggm3rst3r for a couple days as a joke, but that was never meant to last.
never forget
screw that let’s forget that ever happened
I understand and i still use that name in places but I’ve had to many instances of my name beig misspelled or shortened wrong (Jag, jaeg, jae)
My name is Kookie. It was the name I used when I made a account in… 2007, I think. I kept using that in various other sites and now I basically use it everywhere. So, yeah.
I feel like this should be its own topic but whatever. I had a talk with some guys about usernames about two days ago and I did a lot of thinking about them. Now the boards have well over 300 members on it but lets be honest there are only about a good 50-60 that are really active. That being said I have to ask why people on the boards have numbers in their names if the numbers mean something to you or have a purpose then by all means keep them. Something I’ve be noticing more and more on the internet is people choosing something they like and adding numbers to it and calling that their name. On youtube and such that’s fine, It’s a big website with a lot of people and getting a unique username is hard but on the boards is it really necessary? Tell me what you think. (And please don’t get me started on the whole "naming yourself after a bionicle character thing)
That makes sense. I guess the first thing going trough their mind is “I’m gonna make a hype train meme and eeeeeeeveryone is gonna love it!” and then username hastily made then tossed aside, like two other new users with letter avatars like it and then dreams crushed, they fade into obscurity.
That was basically me when I joined… : I
I am Eternal, and the reason for that is:
I am but cybernetic machinations. I shall avert my focus, and I shall sustain myself indefinitely.
That’s… cool I guess.
Nyran sounds like a reaper…
Nyran is a Thai name that literally means Eternal.
Miraculousprime was my choice for username because my last name is Miracle (no joke), and I am a huge Transformers fan. Once I put two and two together, I came up with my name!