Story-wise, I’m one of those alternate universe Takanuvas that got their light drained in order to make an army of shadow Toa. I’m the only one that still retained his good persona. Now I fight baddies with the power of shadow.
Realistically, I had seen an ad for Dead Space 3 on Youtube a few years ago, and I really liked how the helmet worked. So I made this big titan MoC that was black and gunmetal, and the helmet could separate into two pieces, fold up, and be stored inside his armor (front part inside his chest, back part on his back). I called him Guardian, at first. And he was cool… except when the helmet was off, and his head was a Metru skull. And that just looked weird. So I put the only gunmetal mask I had on him, which was the 2008 Takanuva mask. And it looked really good. So I changed his name to DarkTakanuva and made him my self-MoC. (Shadow does interesting things for me; I believe that I can run faster in the dark.)
“I, am DarkTakanuva.”
“I am here, to battle evil.”
“It is my destiny, to claim my gunmetal mask of power, and become, the master, of SHADOW.”
Well, I think I’ve outlined my reasoning behind the numbers in my name (Which is, in fact, a lack of reasoning (Unless you subscribe to the legend)) but for the most part, I don’t really care about people putting numbers in their names. Yeah, I get that it doesn’t make it as “original,” or whatever, but it doesn’t really matter. Usernames are usernames. =/
My name came from 2 of my fandoms: Trans Formers, and Minecraft. 101 came out of the blue.
My Minecraft (PE) is TFM101A. The A represents me being a Canadian, eh? But realistically, it too was random.
Let’s start with my original online username, princebuddy55 MCenderdude. This is literally spawned from my favorite mob in Minecraft, the Enderman, replacing the “man” with “dude” and putting MC, standing for Mining Crafting at the beginning.
This was very obviously a weird username.
So when I wanted to get involved in the BIONICLE community, I wanted a BIONICLE username.
Thus, Toa Ichorak was born.
Which was transformed into Toa Ekorak about one minute before I made my account, due to me preferring “E” at the beginning to “I.”
I’ve since removed the “Toa” at the beginning simply because Ekorak hasn’t been an actual Toa for a quite some time now.
Shrinks into corner because I used to be named Axonn126
Aside from the fact that Axonn126 was just a placeholder until I could come up with a better name, I put the numbers there so I could use the same username on other websites. Also the fact that if I was just named Axonn, someone might find a user with the same name on another website and think it’s me.
Although I’m not sure about people who have original names and then numbers after it, I never really did that.
I used to go by pohatu114 a while ago. I came up with it to use as my user name for runescape. That account is now abandoned but i use the user name for my steam.
I previously went by talentednoobmocist on instagram. I used that name to quickly get Accross my IMO mediocracy as a mocist. It has now been changed to toa_trex_mocs for consistency between my different accounts.
Toatrex was just something i came up with when making my minecraft account 2 years ago and It has stuck with me ever since.
i forgot to mention my “joke” username Drrfenheim Cheesehammer. I kid you not when i briefly played WoW and when i still play Skyrim or Terraria I use that name.