Username Discussion Topic

I know what’s up with that?


Im thinking about changing my to Squishy and using Squishy as my avatar

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Are you referring too Squishy the Azumarirl?

nah I was referring to my Squishy

Who is you’re Squishy?

Its a MOC I made

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So back when I was 12 and I had gotten an upgrade from my LG phone to my iPhone 4 because they (finally) offered it on the Sprint network, I took a lot of videos and I was fantasizing about putting them on youtube. So I had to come up with a username and I chose lego39. lego cause I like legos and 39 was a reference to The 39 Clues. I feared that someone had already taken it I added codename in front of it because it was the first thing I came up for it. I also use this for my MC username so now I use it for everything because no one ever uses it

And that, dear children, is how codenamelego39 or my nickname code came to be

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Is it naming day?


if so I name you Fives because of your profile pic

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Hey, what if we had a forum day where we all changed our usernames? I mean, we’ve had Unity Day and Duty Day, why not an actual Bionicle day/


I be changing it to DeltaAdvisor.

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Ok then I’m now @Drrfenheim_Cheeshammer (I misspelled my own name how can it be?)

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What are those? Where’s destiny day?

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So March 4 is Naming Day?


  • changes name to something *
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I guess I’ll jump on this bandwagon.


I wont.


Ehhhh…I like Rockho. Has a nice ring to it. Might change it when it starts to feel stale after a while.

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I changed my name anyway…

Anyway, to get back on topic, the reason I chose this name, is because I created it as an incognito name for myself. I just randomly thought of a food and then added salty.

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My username will forever remain charyas.