Α ΤΤV Βoards Story: signups [Signups CLOSED! Story has begun!!]

Ghid what this isn’t the rp category what do you mean signups

Well, it’s like this
-I write a wacky story
-you get to be a character if you want
-unless I don’t want to include you at my discretion
-if you want to be portrayed a certain way tell me otherwise I have free reign
-I still have free reign even if you do hehe
-also I have the right to make you die in real life the story and it’ll likely end up happening so like, uh
-be aware I guess

Alright signups time

Maximum of fifteen people or so, I might do another in the future which would be a proper sequel but we’ll see
Absolutely nobody is getting drafted and you cannot ask for inclusion on someone else’s behalf no matter the circumstances
Oh and once you sign up no takesies backsies

The frozen chosen:
@Ghid as The Demon
@Minethuselah as Usul
@Cordax as Corey
@Rukah as Rook
@N01InParticular as Know
@NOTaHFfan as Ren
@GoodGuy2006 as Odgu
@wild_toa as Wild
@MakutaOisli as Oisim
@ChubChub86 as Chubasco
@Toan as Tone
@Racie02 as Race
@Krelikan as Kureli
@Hawkflight as Hawk
@Pakari as Pakka

I’ll give this like a day or so before I begin and perhaps you’ll get a little bit of warning ahead of the first chapter going up yadda yadda let’s go

EDIT: Ok big rule you have to specify your gender I don’t want to get tangled up in that mess
EDIT EDIT: If you don’t I will assume you are a guy, don’t blame me you signed up for this story and also didn’t provide me with any info
EDIT EDIT EDIT: reiterating if you are not in I decided to not include you for whatever reason which I don’t have to disclose
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: The story’s real guys look


Aight sign me up chief

Name’s Minethuselah (generally referred to as Miney), I’m a guy, I like the color red, and I have a thing for the rare and obscure.

please be gentle to my soul



sign me up

can’t wait to be stomped to bits again


I’m curious: have you read the last few Boards stories I wrote?


ahh, nostalgia :star_struck:


who am I kidding of course Ghid would be nice to me, he’ll treat me just as he treated everyone else, what could possibly go wrong :D


Lemme in

Make me speak this time


Omg we doin another? Uh uh uh uh shoot wait I need something funny to say to confirm that I’m onboard…


Nailed it

Im a Male/10 as well but some times I like to just go by goober or stain upon this foul earth take your pick

let’s hope I don’t end up as sand again, do your worst ghid



This seems… strangely… familiar :imp:
Almost feels like déjà vu :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
Eh, I bet it’s nothing. Must have been the wind

I’m expecting to be portrayed as any mix of the two of my characters from the RPs currently going on on the boards (Ari and Ari), human Renner and Renner V8, in that order of importance, with bits and pieces of NOTaHFfan lore sprinkled throughout :triumph:

I don’t care what exactly you come up with using that prompt, as long as it’s maximally wacky, whimsical, sleep deprived and has a scarf (I mean come on how could you not give Bo_ Renner a scarf smh smh)

just don’t make it another scarfless Adonize Airhead with both of his arms completely intact, okay?

Please make my character suffer as much as possible and give this poor soul the most horrific fate imaginable, I have faith in you :goo:


put me on the list big man
i’m still a boy and you can do whatever you want with me


But you just did

With how long you went on a tirade about being the lord of moon sand I thought that’s what you would want :smirk:

About time you used this one :triumph:

If I knew the lore, maybe :smirk:

Ghid trying not to make the plot about two identical towers again

be careful what you wish for :eye: :eye:


Here we go again

Sign me up, you know what to do

Also Im loving and simultaniously freaked by how similar this topic is to the original from back when



Oh wait missed this till rereading. BoR Wild was rad, but honestly just dont give me a fate like Rukah or Axelford and Im good

Also shush about my spelling, dont make me go find that quote from BoR/BoL


not sure what you mean :imp:

Axelford got a happy ending, Rukah was one of the most [information redacted] in the universe, I’m assuming you read BoT :dizzy_face:


BoL/BoD rukah/axelford

I still need to get through BoT, but thats happening the minute I have free time from work and school on break


Names MakutaOisli. I’m male, with a penchant for creating drama and spinning wild tales, along with a dash of fractured sanity.


yeah we know :pensive:

I can’t believe you haven’t read about Wild eviscerating a man down to the last atom :disappointed:

Rectify this as soon as possible :goo:


you have my attention

I plan to, break starts this weekend so I should crank it out quick