
I made this for a game I found on the internet yesterday, known as Mobile Frame Zero. in this tactical warfare game you control a “Company” of these “Mobile Frames”. you can equip each Frame with 4 systems, including Defense, Movement, Surveillance, Hand-to-Hand, Direct Attack, and Artillery systems. So, as the first in my company, and the Mech that would represent me in the game, I needed it to make it as versatile as possible. so I made the max amount of each system I could put on a Mech. I made the systems Modular, something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.

The Loadout he originally carried before I made more modules. Includes Standard Rifle, Shoulder Armor, and Riot Shield

Without any Modules

alongside one I made from instructions that came with the free PDF file

It scales quite well to the original

All Modules laid out.

Modules attached: Dual Artillery Backpack, Hammer, and Pistol

Modules attached: Dual Comm Backpack. Standard Rifle, Riot Shield

Modules attached: Jetpack, Rocket Boots, Beam Saber, Riot Shield

This is my favorite loadout, basing this purely on looks

Modules attached: Singular Comm Backpack, Shoulder Armor, Standard Rifle, Riot Shield

Fighting the original

The Module Loadout I would use with the current plan I have in mind. Allows it to act as cover for other mechs, and can attack at Direct Attack and Hand-to-Hand range, covering the ranges that the artillery mechs this would be protecting cannot target.

Modules attached: Shoulder Armor, Riot Shield, Standard Rifle, Beam Saber

C&C Wanted, and Enjoy!!!

Named after the U2 song Vertigo

Link to the game, for anyone interested.

The PDF can be downloaded for free at the bottom


This is awesome.


Pretty sweet!

The red stripe on the shoulder pad is a little off-putting.

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This me being lazy and not looking for a matching pure white one. :stuck_out_tongue:

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He’s adorable! I don’t often see “micro builds” like this done so well.


That little bot is Wea-2-Kûl ™©

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Not bad.

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Thanks guys!

Just look up “Lego Mobile Frames” and you’ll see a lot of nice ones.


So, this is a tiny mobile suit?

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No, it’s for a complex game, in which they call the mechs Mobile Frames.

Big difference, I know.

Link to the game, for anyone interested.

The PDF can be downloaded for free at the bottom

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Mobile Suits have Inner Frames.

Like the Psycho Frame.

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makin’ a joke, mate

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Oh… Heh… Well then…

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Holy smokes dude, this is amazing!

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You sir just introduced me to a very interesting looking game.


It looks exactly like a Gundam, like someone-needs-to-sue similar.

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What does?
This moc, the one he got from the website, or the entire game?

Anyway, I saw this game years ago, and thought it was pretty cool.
This little guy fits in perfectly!

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This is very good for a micro-build. I used to see them a lot, but it doesn’t seem like people do them anymore. I really like the shield, it’s my favorite part.

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thanks guys!

The game wasn’t that big, so they probably didn’t notice, or just didn’t care.