I made this for a game I found on the internet yesterday, known as Mobile Frame Zero. in this tactical warfare game you control a “Company” of these “Mobile Frames”. you can equip each Frame with 4 systems, including Defense, Movement, Surveillance, Hand-to-Hand, Direct Attack, and Artillery systems. So, as the first in my company, and the Mech that would represent me in the game, I needed it to make it as versatile as possible. so I made the max amount of each system I could put on a Mech. I made the systems Modular, something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.
The Loadout he originally carried before I made more modules. Includes Standard Rifle, Shoulder Armor, and Riot Shield
Without any Modules
alongside one I made from instructions that came with the free PDF file
It scales quite well to the original
All Modules laid out.
Modules attached: Dual Artillery Backpack, Hammer, and Pistol
Modules attached: Dual Comm Backpack. Standard Rifle, Riot Shield
Modules attached: Jetpack, Rocket Boots, Beam Saber, Riot Shield
This is my favorite loadout, basing this purely on looks
Modules attached: Singular Comm Backpack, Shoulder Armor, Standard Rifle, Riot Shield
Fighting the original
The Module Loadout I would use with the current plan I have in mind. Allows it to act as cover for other mechs, and can attack at Direct Attack and Hand-to-Hand range, covering the ranges that the artillery mechs this would be protecting cannot target.
Modules attached: Shoulder Armor, Riot Shield, Standard Rifle, Beam Saber
C&C Wanted, and Enjoy!!!
Named after the U2 song Vertigo
Link to the game, for anyone interested.
The PDF can be downloaded for free at the bottom