Viridi's RAHI CCBS Mocs~

Still looks great q:

Cool head. The rest is okay. Like the trans red.

Ehem. Now, @LurkingEhlek , @Ghosty , @EvilLobsterKing , are you ready for the BIG GUNS.


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I can’t wait…

Lemme take the pics wait a sec.

WELL HERE WE ARE. @EvilLobsterKing @Ghosty @TFM101

There are tales of old and records of new, speaking of a fearsome beast. One who terrorizes the hearts of many and has claimed endless lives. An unstoppable beast, with unrivaled strength, speed, and endurance, and amazingly overwhelming power overall.

To add to it’s already destructive potential, reports state that it has the ability to breathe flame hotter than the volcanoes of the island itself, but it seldom uses this ability.

Only few villagers that have been through an encounter with the beast have lived to tell the tale, let alone document it. But thanks to the brave survivors, we know to fear…




The Titan Bird seems to be lacking care and attention, like the ominous tail (which better be the big guns.).

The head is a bit messy and doesn’t fit the color scheme,but everything else is amazing.

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Now that we have the pics, we can critique!

The tail looks amazing!
The head is fairly custom, of which we all approve.

The second pic is sorta a let down, with the way the tail is.
His neck is skimpy, as is with his body. And/or, his tail is too beefy.

Overall, 7/10.

Sentence: Hype Train got some breaks. =(

@Ghosty I like the head, kinda trying to reflect real life. Y’know those animals that are all one color and have this one different color part? Blacktip Sharks, for instance. It seems animals can break color scheme, why shouldn’t MOC animals?

@TFM101 , The body is anything but skimpy. Given the angles of my pics, I see why you’d say that. I’ll see if my next Rannotitan pic batch shows that better.

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Oh yeah
good point

Okay, Second Rannotitan pic wave.

@TFM101 , Here’s your body pics.

Quite wide and bulky, as you can see.

Also, It’s very sleek and streamlined.



I can see why you said the the body is not skimpy.

New Score: 8/10

Sentence: I’m on Fire Ball!

My floor just hit the jaw.
The colors are great.
The coverage is great.
The presentation is great.
It’s really great.

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These MOCs are pretty cool!

You are a great moccist!

Also welcome to the boards!

Thank you, guys! After so much time, it’s great to get feedback on my work! ( @Oniwah , @TFM101 , @LurkingEhlek , and @Ghosty )
I have 2 other creatures/rahi left. Bear in mind that these arent as good as the Rannotitan, though. I’ll be building other rahi/creatures soon enough, hopefully those’ll come out good.

Wanna make a Crocodile
King K. Rool for Smash plz

Wait, did I forget to comment about how cool that Rannotitan is, because it really is awesome…

MOC #1:
It feels a bit lacking in places, but it’s overall a very solid MOC. 8/10.

MOC #2:
Again, it feels a bit lacking in places (especially the head), but is very excellent. The Tail in particular is very well made. 9/10

Also, random question, would you happen to be named after This Viridi?

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She is. She said so in “Introduce Yourself”.

Ah, okay. Thanks.