What are your favourite and least favourite art mediums?

Okay, now I think this is off topic. People are actually trying to use this topic for it’s intended purpose. I think a lot of what I’ve said has been over interpreted in bad ways. My answers are now buried in here somewhere, and if you want to find my opinion, dig it up. This needs to be stopped.


I bought my sister who’s into animation a pretty cheap Wacom for Christmas. I found that it’s a lot easier for me to visualize and draw precisely on paper over having to interpret hand movements onto screen.

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RIP post got removed.

Anyways, to repeat about art mediums, I have recently been getting into digital artwork which has been hard but I have been using a wacom notepad which makes it easier. I usually do pencil artwork which I vastly prefer.

My way of doing it nowadays is drawing something by pencil and then tracing it by the way of digital and coloring it that way. Has made my artwork look better.

(Doing this for preservation b/c double post)


I don’t have a ton of access to digital art programs, and I’m planning on experimenting with super sharp colored pencils for highlighting in color.

who needs a bunch of digital art programs when you have paint?

who needs paint when you have ink and graphite?

who needs any of those thing when you have an unhealthily rampant imagination?


Can’t argue with that logic.

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Yep! Patented Winger logic!

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I notice people are getting genre and medium mixed up. Abstract is a style not a medium.
Bruh why is acrylic getting so much hate? You just have to persevere and not compare yourself too much. I didn’t like painting until in high school I was forced to try it. First step was watercolour and that took lots of learning-that you do light lines and colours gradually building up. The next year I started trying acrylic and uhhh I grew to like that even more, I’ve been trying digital but I’m still eh about it.
So favourite medium is acrylic though a close second would be pencil then pen finish sketches.

Least favourite, medium wise (keep in mind I’m not talking about genres otherwise I would agree with others and put abstract low) is a difficult choice, most materials/methods require some skill and are thus admirable, my least favourite would probably be paper/ pro markers because I tried and failed with those.


Inking in general is a very hard and expensive skill to learn. Trying to learn it myself to not much avail.

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We weren’t getting them mixed up. We were just getting really off topic.


Although I don’t have to worry about that too much because most of my inking is very fine detailing so volume isn’t important.

Also I’d definitely consider myself very amateur so super professional materials aren’t as important for me.

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I think my favorite is definitely digital. It seems a little easier for me, and I don’t have to worry about smudging pencil, which I do a lot on paper, just because of the way I hold the pencil :stuck_out_tongue:

My least favorite? probably watercolor or similar paints. I don’t have a lot of experience with them, and I prefer markers/pencils to paints anyways.

I also run into that problem I when I go full pencil art. I generally don’t though when I just sketch with very hard lead and then go over it with ink.

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I like most mediums of art (an interesting spinoff of this would be ‘what genre of art do you like and not like) my favourite would be woodcuts/line cuts/etching. I don’t really know why I guess it’s probably because that’s the one I am best at (currently( of course))

My least favourite would be charcoal (does that count?) it’s that way because: 1 I don’t like the sound it makes as it scrapes across my paper 2 the pieces of charcoal I’ve used always snap 3 it smudges way to easily when I put it in a book or something 4 you need up with really messy fingers when you finish

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What, favourite to consume or to create?

I certainly don’t have a favourite to consume. I appreciate art by what it’s expressing within the limitations of the medium, and how well it manipulates the medium - I’m not convinced that any is strictly better or worse.

To create in? I don’t really have one that produces a favoured end result, but as for what comes most naturally to me - words. Like literature/poetry/etc. I also enjoy digital art (because it’s so versatile) music (because it can be combined with just about anything else simultaneously) and video games (because they are interactive). No least favourite - I must admit, the idea that a medium itself (and not a genre, like abstract) can be worse than another just isn’t something I really subscribe to.

Just because every artist should indeed be prepared to face mockery and slander, it does not necessarily mean that such things (not to be confused with genuine criticism) should be encouraged.

K, I’ll take the bait.

Not every video game is art, agreed, in the same sense that not every meal is art. Some are created to simply be consumed, while others have something to convey. Some are made to simply feed, others are made by chefs. But to say that because not everything created in a medium is not art means that there is no medium at all seems like an odd jump to me. Likewise, not including challenge, competition, or replayability does not necessarily make a bad video game - lack of these qualities does not automatically equal design mistakes. (That’s not to say a game that is trying to be art can’t make design mistakes, though - I’m not familiar with kojima, myself).

What are your thoughts on Journey?


My favorite medium to use is a simple pen and sheet of printer paper. I’ve been making art like that for as long as I can remember, and it’s what I’m most familiar with. I’ve dabbled a bit in digital drawing (using Adobe Illustrator, MS paint, and Chrome Canvas). I’m not great at it, but I’m practicing.
I like doing pixel art, too.

One of my hobbies is to take google images and manipulate them in google slide. It’s kind of like photoshop. (The first one was for school and the other two were for fun)

Another thing I liked to do was make figures out of tin/aluminum foil. I used use the foil that my school lunch was wrapped in, but since I have been in virtual classes for the last several months, there’s no need to wrap my lunch in foil, so I haven’t done it in a while.

I’ll second this (I especially agree with #1). Although, I guess it is kind of cool how one can use smudging to their advantage sometimes.


Mechanical Pencils, colored pencils, and pens good

Charcoal, India ink, and watercolor bad

Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi.