So, most of TTV’s videos are audio-only. Minds Iike mine require mental and physical entertainment, so l always do something else. Generally l pIay Minecraft or some other game, and often I’m on these boards.
So, what do you do while listening to TTV’s podcasts?
Most podcasts I listen too while I eat. Other videos I may also be eating, internet surfing (boards in particular), snacking, building Lego sets, scrolling through other videos (mobile YouTube), general computer stuff, contemplating things in life, oh, and maybe eating.
I mostly just listen to it without doing anything else, as otherwise I would either be unable to concentrate on what I’m doing, or the podcast would just become background noise.
I usually listen to the latest episodes while I do the dishes in the evening. I also catch up on old episodes while cleaning the bathroom on the weekend. Both are mundane tasks that don’t require much thought, so I can concentrate on the episode.
I’ve tried doing this. I’ve found that I focus on the posts more, and can’t concentrate on the podcast. I guess that’s just me and @ColdGoldLazarus though.