What do you want to see in Bionicle 2015

It does kind of point to a soft reboot in some respects, the MoC being the largest piece of evidence. The positives of a soft reboot would be that all of the lore would still be intact, and carrying over all of my older pieces of fan fiction.

Evidence for a hard reboot with bits of old lore sprinkled in is very apparent to me. First and foremost is the fact that BIONICLE is being considered a “new theme”. A hard reboot could go awry, though. The potential is big, though.


I think the original legend of BIONICLE should live on. Sure, a reboot could be handled nicely, but I think the lore of classic BIONICLE should not be forgotten. To me, I’m in between.

But don’t ever let them forget this music:


I couldn’t have said it better myself!! That has been on my mind all day.

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Amen brother Chronicler. Amen.

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This is why your called the chronicler.


That is a great way to say that. That changed my perspective on a soft rebbot

Something to note that Greg said.

https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-General/Chat-with-Greg-Farshtey/td-p/6605180/page/469 (source)


I saw a similar post yesterday on “Ask GregF” yesterday about whether BIONICLE 2015 was a continuation or reboot. Greg maybe trying to cover up stuff like he did with the leaked BIONICLE sets, but from what he’s been saying points towards a reboot.

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He’s been trying to stay neutral. Nothing he’s said means that there’s a reboot. All he’s said pointed toward it going either way.

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Yup. Greg is a master of the art of answering questions without actually saying anything.


Ah how I’ve missed GregF’s non-answer answers :slight_smile:


I like to think he’s more subtle than that.

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This is what people would like to see, not what they it will actually be :stuck_out_tongue:

I want a soft reboot. ALL THE WAY!

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I don’t.

I feel like if they do a hard reboot, they should explain that the new story would be in an alternate universe. They did it in Star Trek, why not Bionicle? Everyone wins if this happens, the older fans get to keep the original story, while newer fans get to experience Bionicle in a different way. And in an alternate universe, they can’t mess up the story.


I guess most people here agree that, unless Lego does a 360 and unexpectedly makes it a continuation, all in all even Greg suggested it’d be a reboot. Of what kind we don’t know, but we know we still have the basic mata. Though some of the buildings seem hero factory- Metru nui-ish. I guess it does need a reboot, considering all the young, coming of age kids will be all like “Huh? There was a story before this I never heard of with lots of plot and detail? That must be confusing!”(note, it’s just a few people’s interpretations). Though if I’d take a jab at it, I’d say maybe somewhere between soft and full on reboot


I think if they go for a continuation, we might end up facing the Star Wars problem. As in, too many additions to a finished story making the whole thing a mess.


Bionicle already had that problem. In 2008.


As I said on reddit earlier, the biggest evidence of reboot vs. continuation is in Pohatu’s box art. In the background are two planets. One like a moon, and a very large planet. They very well may be Bara Magna and Bota Magna.

If it happens to be a continuation after this point, color me surprised.