What have I done (Goodguy 2015)

Shall I send you a dictionary for Christmas sir? I hear it has interesting things in it. I don’t know from experience other than the one in my closet that whispers ancient tongues at me, I just know from hear say.

What’s the catch you don’t usually get dictionaries for free these days

Oh, nothing too important these days, plenrlty of them around, it’s just YOU’RE SOU- wait, that’s not right… Ah, wrong conditions list, that is for someone else. 14 gold studs, and 8 silver studs should do. Throw in a plastic gemstone and I’ll include a complimentary coloring book.

you want all that WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO

A world for the rich, my friend. A world for the rich.

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And a World where this will become canon


“Turaga Lihkan”… -shudders-
Let’s be glad this isn’t… While we still can.

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So accurate, yet so terrifying. Why, WHY! This is a pretty good recreation though. This should be canonized for the gen 2 story and be in the Netflix series the journey to one. It will make the story more complex. It will all make sense. He will be Tahu’s father. He was the one who truly killed Loss and Kulta. This will not be reviled until 2021 at the end of gen 2.

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Good guy, sound like a really awesome guy with lots of friends…

also the feet are really cringing,

you monster. what have to done… you made him… monster


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10/10 you should work for lego now.


I would totally buy that for those rare red CCBS joints

These Red bone pieces are rare now? Since when exactly?

You need to put a really valuable, rare mask on him, like they did for gold good guy…

Not as good as the G1 version, however i guess he can still join the good guy clan. He just needs to be blessed by… Mazeka.

They were only available in jawblade and witch doctor

This is amazing. You captured the stupidity of the Good Guy build very well. :laughing:

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No G2 gold Hau 0/10

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