What if all the MoC's?

There aren’t enough reference pictures for that, such as a top and side view.

I didn’t do that one because it wasn’t entered into the contest, but I could try. I would have to make up some parts because of the missing angles and the fact that it was designed in 2d

Weird that I didn’t see these until just now, which ones have connectivity issues?

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Also I sent some help request comments. Did you see them?

Most of the masks have an issue connecting their axle to other parts. They basically can’t connect to a hole without changing the part’s position. Maybe I did something wrong when downloading and transferring the parts.

I don’t know, they all connect fine on my studio

Where did you send for help?

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I needed help making this compatible with a metru head. And since you’re more better with the designing I thought you’d help with it since I go the basic shape done

Oh, that’s you? Yeah, I cut out the inside, and uploaded it from a link the comments, but I didn’t add an axle yet