What is the best plot twist in Bionicle?

The biggest was the red star. From the very first year of Bionicle we knew about it, but I doubt many figured out what it’s actual purpose was until it’s final reveal in 2010. However, this wasn’t really a ‘best’ plot twist. It made many of the characters deaths seem less amazing.

My favorite plot twist? Makuta jumping into Mata Nui’s head not two minutes after he’s been awoken (Seriously, the Toa took 8 years [technically 1 in bionicle time, but still, WE took 8 years] and then Makuta goes and steals Mata Nui’s body!)

I actually suspected the matoran universe was inside some sort of robot for a long period of time. The whole route of travel between the Mata Nui and Metru Nui islands tipped me off. It seemed strange that the Mata Nui island just ‘floated’ above Metru Nui. There had to be some sort of explanation, right?


Honestly, I was completely okay with the Red Star being what it was. How many character deaths were that interesting? Lhikan and Mavrah. Maybe Zaktan. Most of the Makuta and Matoro have been confirmed to not come back. Most other deaths were back-story deaths. Then there are characters like Ancient who had just gotten interesting when he died.

On topic though, I totally called Velika being an evil space god.


Has it actually been confirmed that Zaktan died and he’s not just in control of the Golden Skinned Being? because that’s what I got from the inclusion of him in that story.

If somehow all the serials would remain canon in 2015 that would be a great plot twist.

Uh, he’s dead. He’s the only Piraka who didn’t end up in the Gold skinned being, cuz Teridax killed him.

from the serial where the Golden Skinned Being was created

Five Skakdi were carrying five sea snakes, each of the serpents gasping to breathe. At the warlord’s signal, the three prisoners and the five snakes were thrown into the energized protodermis tank. So engrossed were the Skakdi that they failed to notice a strange, greenish cloud that emerged from the nearby lake, hovered in the air a moment, and then plunged into the energized protodermis tank.

The Turaga being Toa, and Metru-Nui

Before i know that it was a giant robot it always confused me

2007 also gave it away, when the Kanohi Ignika had the shape of the Mata Nui robot engraved into the face (An ingenious design might I add).


I took almost one year to realise that was a giant robot shaped into the face of the kanohi Ignika :smile:


The thing is though, when you look at it you don’t think ‘this looks like a giant robot!’ you think ‘hey, this kinda looks like a man!’

yeah, although I’m sure someone could connect it to the carving seen on the telescope in MNOG and then connect it to other things such as the numerous references in the aforementioned game, the shape of the island, and the method of passageway between Metru and Mata Nui.

My favorite plot twist was when Makuta’s Plan was finally complete, when he took over the Great Spirit Robot.

Probably that we all lived in a giant robot :stuck_out_tongue:

It just seemed like a one-two punch with the big mystery revealed and Makuta taking everything over in one fell swoop. I spent the rest of the year looking back and tracing how this was possible and realized that it all made sense.

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The biggest plot twist to me? To me, it was when I finally noticed that everything on the telescope in Mata Nui foretold what would happen all these years, and I failed to notice it when I was younger. I was so upset when I finally put Vakama’s speech together and what Mata Nui had said in the Mata Nui saga…

“The Great Spirit descended from the heavens, carrying we, the ones called the Matoran, to this island paradise.” He is talking about when the Great Spirit robot fell onto the surface of Aqua Magna!

“But our happiness was not to last. Mata Nui’s brother, Makuta, was jealous of these honors and betrayed him. Makuta cast a spell over Mata Nui, who fell into a deep slumber.” This is obviously the Great Cataclysm.

“Makuta’s power dominated the land, as fiels withered away, sunlight grew cold, and ancient values were forgotten.” This was the Great War that began on Mata Nui, where the Matoran combated the Rahi.

“Still, all hope was not lost. Legends told of six mighty heroes, the Toa, who would arrive to save Mata Nui. Time would reveal that these were not simply myths - for the Toa did appear on the shores of the island. They arrive with no memory, no knowledge of one another - but they pledged to defend Mata Nui and its people against the darkness.” This is the beginning of the Mata Nui Online Game

“Great warriors with great power, drawn from the very elements themselves. Together, they were six heroes with one destiny: to defeat Makuta and save Mata Nui.” This tells of their destiny to save Mata Nui, which would happen about a year later.

And so, the greatest plot twist for me was that I did not even notice a thing about this until the very end, where they connected everything together. That was a huge plot twist for me.


Roodaka taking a new horde into mlp. ACTUAL CANON kind of(just figured it out) And Jaller is a captain of the guard once again in mlp.

I cannot tell you how much I despise that show. And yes, I have had to sit through episodes, so unlike the majority of Pony-haters, I know what I’m talking about. Nothing against you or anyone else who loves it, just not my kind of show.

Definitely when it was revealed that Mata Nui were a giant robot they lived inside, and when Teridax took over said robot and thus the Matoran Universe.

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I think it was when they revealed that the Brotherhood of Makuta are the good guys, the creators.
(Teridax was just a ■■■■■■)

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Now that I’ve thought about it, I think the biggest twist for me as a kid was the revealing of how the Toa Mata weren’t the first Toa.