Isn’t that just the scope on an Akaku?
You could argue that this could be achieved with a Calix.
Alright, that’s enough of shutting down everyone else’s ideas, let me provide one of my own for you to shut down.
A few weeks ago, I was thinking about all the different combinations on Kanoka, when I realized that Toa Disks could also be included.
As shown with the canon combinations, a mask does not simply possess all of the individual powers of the Kanoka, instead being a single new power. So combining a Toa Disk with a Kanoka would create an new elemental power. Of course, for this to be useful, it would have to be a power that the Toa Disk alone would not give you, or else the combination is pointless.
For example, Stone + Reconstitutes at Random could give you a mask which allows you to turn any objects into stone. Which, I might add, is an ability that not even Toa of Stone possess.
Or Water + Removes Poison could be unlimited water breathing.
Water + Ice gives increased elemental control over both.
Psionics + Reconstitutes at Random creates a mind-erasure Kanohi.
Toa Disk + Shrink + Regeneration gives the wearer the ability to perform Nuva-style timed attacks of the element in the mask.
Gravity + Regeneration gives Density Control.