What is your Zombie Plan?

3rd zawmbie plan.

Somehow get to Area 51.
Find teleporters.
Use the teleporter to get to the secret US moon base.
On said moon base, fight off SPACE ZOMBIES, and link teleporter mainframes.
Use teleporter to go to old Nazi research facility.
Steal old Nazi future tech.
Warp back to moon base.
Nuke earth with moon nukes.
Fight off SPACE ZOMBIES for rest of my days.

4th plan

“Day 14, the zombies still haven’t noticed I’m not a zombie”


“Oh ye? You and what army?”


me an me army of baby turtles will conquer the swump


(insert highlander quote that I totally know because I’ve totally watched that movie)


I collect knives and swords… plus I live in an area in the country that isn’t too populated. I may survive the zombie hoards.

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I live in Canada, and not a very unsafe or criminally active area. thus reduces the likeliness of looters or other human threats. I would gather supplies from my house, (Non-Parishable foods, kitchen knives, lots of juice and pop, drinkable liquids that are not from the tap.)

Afterwards I would gather surviving friends from the neighborhood and head to home hardware, and get some nail-guns and Freakin’ chainsaws. Wal-Mart would be an obvious attraction center for survivors, so It would be better to look for foods elsewhere. (Mind you, so would home hardware, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.)

After We’ve geared up and supplied ourselves, We would likely go to my highschool, (Unless it was a spontaneous and very quick first wave of infected during school hours.)

It would serve as a well fortified base of operations/home surrounded by restaurants and grocery stores, and a obvious place to look if the government was looking for survivors.


When you hook up the teleporter, you have to start doing ####trains like cod zombies

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IDK man. You ever seen The Last of Us? That fungus thing is in Ants.


Cordyceps. I love those buggers.

My zombie plans are pages and pages long. I have mapped out every place in my area that certainly has a gun and ammo, I have figured out which stores to go to, when to go, who I’m gonna kill, everything. All of it. And a I have several versions depending upon where I am. (I decided that if I’m out of state I’ll just greet them with open arms) I don’t mess around with this.


I never played The Last of Us, nor do I plan to. Not much of a video-gamer as I used to be. Nevertheless, I have heard of that fungus thing in ants. But let’s be realistic: Do you really think such “zombie apocalypse” will really happen? I personally believe it won’t ever do it.

Besides, zombies are over-used and over-rated.


In that case feel free to leave the topic alone. :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually, the way most media depicts zombies is false

Zombies originally were reanimated corpses who were reanimated to be servants to who ever reanimated them

they did not eat brains, they were just mindless servants, doing the owners bidding.

Dunno what made them into what they are now

Who really cares

They donut exist, and will most likely never exist

But y’know
This topic is going off of the imagination I guess


That’s what I was trying to do.


RvB reference. (I am a reference ninja)


You can’t make something a reference just by claiming one word is used in the thing you’re trying to reference…

Oh you’re a reference ninja? That’s clearly a reference to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies… there’s a fight with an army of ninja at the end of the book.


No, you see, this topic is Red vs. Blue related. Sick reference though.


Curses, foiled again.


I dont remember any zombie survival in rvb, if possible explain?

my zombie survival plan…survive.


There’s a video explaining it in a post further up. Post 23.

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Ah thank you. so it was one of the early one (must be why i don’t remember it)

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You’ll get @fortheloveofcats, too, right?



I travel to @The_Songbird’s house, wielding a machete attached to a pole (a makeshift scythe). From there, we hijack a boat and go to Puerto Rico, where we find @Shadezy. Then we travel North, and pick up @Risebell. We go more northward, and add @squeaverking to our cause. Shortly after, we drive to Arizona and get @Takua, and find Neon-Frost from Deviantart somewhere. After that, we keep driving westward, and in California we get @ToaVuhii and fortheloveofcats. We get the YOLObus and drive to @Nyran’s. Then we get another boat and set up shop in the Outback, after getting @anon68675807.

And thus begins,

TOA NOSCOPES: The Walking Dead Edition

After setting up a recreation of the Spirit Base from Kyoryuger, we make a trip to Europe to get @pot8o and CyaCyan111 (also from Deviantart). Then we travel back to our base in the Outback. We start searching for more Board members and random people I know, and take all LEGO we can find, along with all the Tokusatsu, Anime, etc. merch. Before you know it, we amass an army of Board members and a huuuuge stash of LEGO and assorted merchandise.