What was your first Bionicle set ever?

Hi, this topic is for how you got/found out about bionicle and your first set.

For me my first ever bionicle set was either
A G2 protector or Kopaka Nuva. At the time I knew nothing about bionicle story but I knew kopaka was my favorite.

Now it’s my favorite theme


BrickMaster forced Piruk and Defilak into my life before I started actually collecting sets in 2008


My memory on the matter is very blurry, because it was so long ago, but I’m pretty sure that it was Matoro Mahri that my parents got me as a gift around the time the set was released

I still have most if not all of the pieces from it, even if some of them are in a pretty much unusable condition


Mine was Ackar, though he’s not what got me interested in Bionicle. I got Ackar in late 2012 alongside Thunder from Hero Factory, and I infinitely preferred Thunder so I decided to collect Hero Factory instead. It wasn’t until I got Lehvak in 2014 that actually became interested in Bionicle, so he’s always been far more important to me. Half the time I actually forget that I got Ackar first at all, and just remember Lehvak.


ah nice you got the dead guy :smirk:

for me it was Rahkshi Panrahk the year it released at christmas and I have a really special appreciation for that Rahkshi in particular because of it

like that was my only Bionicle set for the next two years almost :goo:


Very first Kopaka set, back in 2001. That was the baited hook for me for the next ten years (seems like Kopaka is the key man for many fans)


Hewkii as a McToran.


Hahli (the 2003 version). I found her and a bunch of the McToran at a thrift store about 6 years ago.


My first ever bionicle was some random moc I got a long time ago. Lewa Nuva and Lerahk were my first sets proper.


I think I’ve mentioned it here multiple times before, (and it’s also on my profile, but I’ll save you a click) but my first set wasn’t any of the figures. It was one of the playsets, specifically the Tower of Toa from '05, which I got as a Christmas present and was my first exposure to the theme. It would be a couple of years before I got my first figures in '08


Mine was a Nuhvok in 2002.
I got it from my father, but I cannot recall for what reason. (Probably just because…)
I remember that I had a lot of trouble with its assembly, but eventually, my father helped with it.
I enjoyed it quite a lot, but at the time, I didn’t know what exactly it was supposed to be, so I pretended during play that instead of a robotic bug-like thing controlled by a parasite, it was some mech suit/armor piloted by a human-like figure.

(yeah, I was a weird kid, I know. :stuck_out_tongue:)


Anybody who found out about bionicle from bionicle jam? No……?


Despite being into Bionicle for as long as I can remember, the only set I’ve ever technically owned was Kopaka Master—every prior set belonged to my two older brothers, but a lot of the pieces made their way down to me
I also owned Breeze 2.0 and Core Hunter


Pahrak and Boxor, quickly followed by Tahu Nuva.

Interestingly enough, Brickmaster got me Thulox, Klakk, and Click. I always thought everyone got the same freebie sets from Brickmaster, I didn’t know they mixed it up. I saw them advertise Bomonga as a freebie for the longest time.


My brothers first was thulox, the year it come out though then he just called bionicles by “The red one,” and " the blue one." I still have it to go with my Defilak but I stole his teeth for Nuparu.


Kurahk was my first set. I got into Bionicle because of the Mask of Light trailers on TV and snatching the rental DVD of the film the moment my parents would allow me. After seeing the movie, I really wanted Kopaka and Kurahk. I got Kurahk, though I don’t believe I got a Kopaka Nuva then.

No idea what happened to the very few Bionicle sets me and my brother got from 2003-2005. They all mysteriously vanished alongside many other toys. Everything from 2006 onwards remained and fates are accounted for.


Big bin of incomplete sets, but if we want to be technical about things, Furno 1.0 - but if you want my first actual Bionicle set, probably one of the 2016 Protectors. I came out the same year as Matoro Mahri, so I didn’t really get to experience G1.


you should have born the year before, to fit your username


this post got flagged despite being completely topical and not breaking the image rule by including quote text, but just to make sure that doesn’t happen again I’ll be including a bit more stuff this time around :goo:

A very based first set to have

Erm ahktually you came out the same year as Matoro Inika, Mr. Lego BIONICLE Set 6934 Good Guy :point_up::nerd_face:

nooooo I made the joke too late



Bohrok pahrak