My first Bionicle was either Pohatu or Onua Mata back in 2001.
My first set was back in 2002, but my introduction to the story came in 2004 with the books.
My amazing mom went and got all of the 01-03 comics and all the 01 sets.
My first set was Panrahk from 2003, I loved that set and I watched Mask of Light all the time. I didn’t become a proper fan until 2006 with the Inika when I bought Thok, man I loved that year. 2006 and 2007 remain my favourite years for Bionicle.
I was really pleased with myself because I could build Thok without my parent’s help, but now as I look back, it’s a pretty simple set.
2008 was the year I got invested in the story, and I bought all the films up to that point (so MoL to WoS), and my mind was blown when I found out about the Great Spirit Robot.
I bought my first sets in 2007 when the Barraki had just been released, but I became fully invested in the Bionicle storyline in 2008. So yeah, I became a fan around that time period.
I was 3 at the time.
2004 I believe.
Oh lordy I hate to say this, but I’ve been a fan since year one. The comics are what really drew me into the story and I played the Mata Nui Online Game on a Windows 2000 PC (with dial-up! you kids have it so easy nowadays!) I remember when the first bionicle movie came out, boy was that ever exciting as a kid. I was a fan up until '05 then entered a dark age and didn’t return to bionicle until '08. I found the power and lived the legend.
05 with the hordika sets, but I really didnt like them, then I saw the piraka on a TV advert and I have been a hardcore fan since
Technically, I first found out about it and got my first sets in 2008, but I really became a fan and started following the story in 2009.
I started on Technics young, even before bionicle. I used to own some Slizer and RoboRider a long time ago. My first bionicle was 2001 Onua Mata. I wasn’t able to put his eyepiece on correctly then, I lost it while I was carrying him around and I had to replace it with another one from mask collectibles pack. I followed the toyline without any storyline, other than some comic panels the store gave away for free.
I kinda skipped the first half of 2003; I don’t have any of the Toa Nuva, but I did get the Rahkshi and Makuta.
I got “sparked” by Teridax in the Mask of Light movie; I don’t know why, but he seemed like the coolest villain ever!. After that, I kinda lost interest for 2 years when I moved to a new house. I got back on track when I found other two movies, featuring my beloved Makuta! And I’ve been an avid fan ever since.
My only bionicle books are Shadows in the Sky, Swamp of Secrets, and The Final Battle, because these three books have so many Makuta in them, and I love Makuta!
Bought my first set (Ice Underbite Guy) in '09, got into the story around '14.
are you actually serious right now
Strakk Is Love, Strakk Is Life.
I first became a fan…late in Bionicle’s run, and I became a fan about 2010 and then REALLY became a fan in 2013-ish…I dunno.
I was interested in the sets starting 2006, but got invested into the story in 2009. So yes, my income to the Bionicle Story was Bara Magna…
I was a fan of the story since 2003, I started collecting sets in 2004.
I became a fan of the sets back in 2001 with Mctoran Kongu and four of the six Toa Mata; story-wise in around 2002 when I first found out about; as well as watching the Bohrok Online Animations.
I knew about it in '01 and followed the comics, but I didn’t become a full-fledged fan until 2002.
Meanwhile, John, trying to avoid the stigma of being an elitist, while still trying to be OG.
Oh, I’m not trying to avoid the stigma
MNOG is great y’all.
Oh, and functions>pose-ability.