What you once thought about BIONICLE...

I used to think that as well, until right now.


Funny. I always pronounced it Jel-oo, and recently I was second guessing myself.

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what’s the correct pronunciation of Gelu?


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Ngl that doesn’t really roll off the tongue, I always pronounced his name “Gel-loo” which sounds better in my opinion. But I guess at one point you gotta swallow the Farshtey pill.


Up until right this moment, I thought Gavla was spelled Galva. My world has been rocked.


oh, good I’m not alone.

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I always knew Gavla was spelled that way and when I came across community members who had the username Galva I wondered if they didn’t know

(Yes there’s more than one)


Impossible /s


I thought it was Avla for a time because the box art made the G hard to see.


I mean, they’re sort of similar. It doesn’t seem unreasonable that someone would think that, in my opinion.


I have always headcanoned that SD Gundams are what Matoran Civil War combatants and leaders looked like.

When I first saw TLR, I thought Kiina and Berix were siblings.


That is kinda strange that Glatorian relatives were never mentioned at all. Like, it’s been stated that, unlike MU inhabitants, Bara Magnans do reproduce sexually, but we never saw them have any family members.


I learned that just now.


SO I was reflecting on my early days with Bionicle and thought about how I thought things were in the beginning. What misconception did you have about the Bionicle Universe that ended up being false?

Mine was I originally thought the Turaga transformed into the Toa after a power up or something, (now this was well before we had backstories or anything like that) it was just when I first saw them as sets. Its funny to me because the opposite was shown true years later. Toa become Turaga after giving up power.


I thought Sidorak was a Vortixx for the longest time.


Sidorak came from Xia, MoL Was the 4th BIONICLE movie, HF and Bonkle shared a universe, Love was canon, Icarax and Teridax were the same guy, and Tren Krom being green.

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Well I thought all Makuta were just different forms of Teridax.

I also thought for a long time that the Skull army combiner thing from G2 was the G2 Makuta. And that Okoto is a different part of the same planet as Mata Nui.


I got into Bionicle in 2008. My first introduction to the lore was the four minute story recap. That way a lot of misconceptions came at first.

I thought:

  • the Toa Metru and the Inika were the Toa Nuva
  • Makuta always referred to the species, it took me almost a year to find out that Teridax was a thing
  • the Bohrok were servants of Makuta
  • I thought the Bohrok-Kal were the Bohrok Kaita for some reason


  • Gavla was a guy
  • Vultraz and Mazeka weren’t canon
  • normal Skrall couldn’t speak
  • Nektann was Vezok
  • nothing happened to anybody in 07
  • Mata Nui never finished the journey set up in the end of TLR
  • Toa Inika was Mata Nui

Also I wasn’t familiar with english words at that time and when I looked into the instructions I thought Vezok was named Games (or pronounced in German fashion “Gahmes”), because that always appeared next to his face on the website screenshots. That revelation was embarrassing.

Things that took me a while to grasp post 09:

  • the Great Beings were not Gods
  • Vakama’s visions were never explained, I thought it had to do with Krakua
  • Lariska is no Vortixx
  • the masks names are not Osili and Asva, nor Jultin
  • Miserix is not really a good guy

One thing I still don’t know:
How is Thok supposed to be pronounced in German?