What's So Insectoid About The Bohrok?

One of TTV’s “Top 10” Bionicle videos was of weirdest Bionicle sets.

At 1:10, Meso lists the Bohrok as #9 on the list, since they are described as insectoid, but they don’t seem to have any insectlike qualities.

I mean…I agree with Meso on this one. I remember my elementary school-aged self being confused as to why the Bohrok were described as insectoid. But now I’m going to try to figure it out once and for all. To do that, my first stop is Biosector01.

Under “Abilities And Traits,” the page describes the Bohrok’s ability to roll up into balls, thrust their heads forward like jackhammers, and be controlled by Krana. It mentions that the Krana Vu can make them fly short distances, which explains why they can fly in the Bionicle Heroes game. And, of course, we all know that the different breeds of Bohrok have different elemental powers.

But actual insectlike qualities? Well…


As far as stance is concerned, Bohrok seem a LOT more humanoid than insectoid. They have two legs that they stand on, and they have two arms that they use to wield their weapons. Insects, on the other hand, do not walk upright-at least, not as adults. Caterpillars can rear up and use their prolegs as arms to bring food to their mouths. But even then, that’s not an equal comparison.

But the way the body is structured? Again, it’s not an equal comparison. At all. But after much thought, I’ve come up with a (somewhat weak) explanation. A good deal of insects have large, round bodies with limbs that are kinda short in comparison with the rest of their bodies. And that description does apply to the Bohrok-their bodies are big and bulbous, while their arms and legs are really small. Frankly, it’s kind of a miracle that they can hold their own against the Toa in a hand-to-hand fight.

The other more obvious physical trait is the Bohrok’s ability to roll up into balls like pill bugs. But, technically speaking, pill bugs are not insects-they’re crustaceans. So this doesn’t exactly help the case.

As you can see, the physical “similarities” that Bohrok have to actual insects are pretty skewed. But their behavior tells a different story. First off, they hibernate within little pods that are all joined together in a giant hive. Even their sets’ canisters could be stacked together in a hive-like fashion. The first thing that comes to mind is a beehive-and bees are insects. But that’s not the end of it. Cahdok and Gahdok are both referred to as the “queens” of the Bohrok. Granted, the Bahrag bear absolutely no resemblance to the Bohrok at all. As Eljay joked about in the skit for his review of them, they’re a lot more like chickens.

But, on the other hand, queen bees and queen ants are very distinguishable from their “servants.”


So yeah. Physically, the Bohrok aren’t as insectlike as their official description make them out to be. But they hibernate within hive-like nests, and they have “queens” that have complete command over them. So in terms of behavior, maybe whoever came up with the “insectoid” comparison is on to something.


They remind me a lot of slater bugs and trilobites. I always thought that what made them bug-like was: their eyes, they live in hives and their statute


I always thought they were snakes with arms, between the lunging, the slit eyes, and the two fangs.

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That’s basically the same conclusion/rationalization I’ve come to as well. That, or the Matoran Universe has an off-screen bug that’s just a mini Bohrok!

IRL, the Bahrag had far more insectoid appearances in the concept art than the final versions did, so perhaps the Bohrok did at some point along the way as well.


I remember the in the comics they made a “chikt chikt chikt” sound which you could kinda say sounds like a cidada or something.


Two things: 1) they do kind of look insectoid; 2) their eusocial behavior is definitely insect-like.

Keep in mind Bohrok have been also described as reptilian.
So in real life, they should look like insectoid replilian hybrids in mechanical form.


yeah we can see that from old unuse concept art.

(Yes, we can see at this point that the Lego team has decided to turn Matoran into bohrok.)

And don’t forget, many insect rahi don’t have six legs.

Perhaps one of Bohrok’s motifs is xenomorph from Alien 2.

a smooth skull with a reflection on the inside.

face parasite

hierarchical system

Head attack (= xenomorph’s Inner jaw attack)

And queen.

They are called bugs, but they are never close to bugs.

so, to call Bohrok “insect” I think, is due to the same behavior as insect swarm rather than their body qualities


I think another factor the long eyes, lens-like.
The shells for their head/hands as if it were chitinous, and the compact body that is beetle like and like was mentioned, pill-bug esq.


Well, we know that the Bohrok are made from the bodies of dead Matoran. So there’s that (disturbing) thought.

It could also be due to an exoskeleton type shell.


No, Bohrok is not a dead Matoran.

bohrok is still alive Av-Matoran


Av Matoran are larvae confirmed. Like this one


I always thought their headplates looked kinda like a beetle’s elytron.


I think they are more crab like, with hard shells and claws.


Obviously, the behavior aspects are insectoid in nature, but I can also see an argument for their bodies being insectoid.

Insects are part of the phylum arthropoda, and a defining feature of animals in this phylum are segmented bodies and paired, jointed limbs. Additionally, arthropods have exoskeletons that grow throughout their lives, and they must molt to reveal the new exoskeleton.

Bohrok, as we can see, have two primary segments for their bodies: the big chunky part with all the limbs attached to it, and the head bit that lunges forward when you press those levers. There we go, segmented body!

Next, their limbs are indeed paired: there are two arms and two legs. Furthermore, we see they’ve got some sort of articulation in there (the pieces don’t bend but I’m guessing in-world they would bend). While the Wikipedia article doesn’t say anything about this, I think I remember from high school biology that arthropod limbs are “specialized,” that is, they have a sort of “tool” at the end of the limbs (clarification: it’s not a tool exactly, but something that performs a function, such as scorpion claws or those little pairs of fingers on the bug pictures in the original post).

Lastly, we can see pretty clearly that Bohrok themselves are an exoskeleton for the Krana. They also grew into their current form from Av-Matoran, just like how arthropods grow into new exoskeletons.

Well, there’s my spiel. Arthropods are cool.