Where were you when you found out Bionicle had ended, and where were you when you found out it was coming back?

Someone in Project Message sent me a link to a twitter post officially conforming the end of Bonkle.

Was hanging out in the MOCist chat with some mates and it was kinda just like
“Welp bonkle’s dead. Again.”

Would it have been said half as deadpan as that?


I mean it was Zach who said it.

When it returned: I was sitting in at my computer when I noticed it on the lego page. I ran so fast up to my room that I could’ve broken my door down if I wanted too.

When it end: I found out at the end of JTO. That was a very sad day.

Off Topic(kinda): I thought about Gen 2 last night and realized, we will probably never get bionicle back again.
Bionicle was the first lego series to be rebooted(I’m pretty sure). And Lego is now learning why they don’t reboot old series.

Ummm, what about Ninjago?

Ninjago’s “Reboot” was more along the lines of an un-cancellation made while they were still producing the line.

I was at my coumputer and the bionicle web page wasn’t there.

I was at my computer and the bionicle web page was there.
