Where were you when you found out Bionicle had ended, and where were you when you found out it was coming back?

When BIONICLE ended, I distinctly remember going to some Lego store, and being told by an employee that a new line would debut called “Heroes,” which would basically be like BIONICLE. I, in my naive youthful optimism, assumed that this would be a continuation of sort of BIONICLE and went around with my parents to multiple shops spreading the word that Heroes is BIONICLE.
Yeah, I was wrong, and less than thrilled. Honestly, I don’t think I was very devastated over the BIONICLE sets ending, since the story serials were going on, and I cared more for the story than the sets. After a while, I soon stopped caring as much.
However, I have this odd little quirk: sometimes, something I liked but haven’t really been a huge fan of in a while will come back to me in a huge nostalgic and obsessive punch. Which is why I got back into BIONICLE, and around a good time too. It was around 2014. I had joined BZPower, and the leaks had come out. I was aboard the hype train, and really hoping this was real. Also around this time the Deadpool test footage had been leaked, so I was basically in another dimension made up specifically of hype, chimichangas, and leaks.
When Lego made that announcement that they were revealing something in four days, I pretty much knew it was BIONICLE (Also, if I remember correctly, the word “BIONICLE” was in the URL for the page they were revealing said thing on). And I was right. And very happy.
Though, I will admit, I was a bit annoyed that the villain for the year would be called Lord of Skull Spiders, since I thought that was a stupid name. I mean, come on, there used to be all these cool and unique names - Makuta, Dark Hunters, Skrall, Piraka, Barraki - and now we have Skull Spiders. It’s still a complaint I have.
But still, I was happy, and still am.


i was in esperance and i was looking at the store shelfs and noticed hero factory as well as bionicle stars. i looked it up and found out bionicle was cancelled

when i found out it was back i was surfing the lego site and saw the sneak peak icon for bionicle. i nearly killed myself that day with no regrets but then realised i would have to wait for bionicle 2015. THEN i would have no regrets

I was watching legomationstudios because at the time I didn’t know any better, when he made a video saying bionicle was canceled, i then looked it up and saw a bunch of fans saying inaccurate reasons for why it was cancelled.

Then I magically found ttv 4 years later and six months after I saw bonkle 2015 confoimed. I will probably be on these boards when g2 bonkle ends

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I don’t remember when I found out it ended, but I stumbled upon TTV, and was watching Autopsy… then I saw the best video ever. Their coverage over the black + white leak. I was laughing in joy, and went and told my grandparents about it.


Back in 2010 I found it that BIONICLE ended at some random site so I was sad. Fast Forward to 2014 I saw post about BIONICLE’s Return, I was very happy and glad.

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10 year old me was crying when i found out it had ended , i was really sad becuase it was something i grew up with

in 2014 i saw a post about its return and i was like HECK YA


When it ended, I was reading the Lego club magizine’s comic where it ended at my kitchen counter. I remember being confused and thinking, “that’s it? It’s over?”

When I found out it returned, I was on the internet during “humanities” (english + social studies) class, when I found some of the earliest prelims. I was so happy, I almost squeaked it in delight. I know I gasped and my jaw dropped.

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I was on my laptop researching this Hero factory thing I had heard was coming out. I then found out it was going to be the replacement of Bionicle and I was devastated.

About 4 years later after I subscribed to TTV I remember them posting about these rumors and leaks that Bionicle was coming back. And I remember when it was officially conformed I vowed I was gona get all of the sets.

The only ones I have are Tahu Kopaka and Korgot.

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When It Ended:
I was at church, with 0 idea that it was ending. For some reason my friends always got the LEGO Club Magazine about two weeks before I did for some reason, so I would always read the comics from their magazines before mine. So the fateful day approaches and they show up to church, and without saying ‘hi’ or anything, slap the new book against my chest and simply say: “Read it.”
So I read it, and my world ends. I was even in denial and convinced myself that LEGO would just re release all the sets again starting with the Toa Mata.

When It Came Back:
As for when the colored display leaked, I was at my house. I originally found out thanks to The Brick Show saying that it had been leaked. From there, I searched ‘BIONICLE 2015’ into the YouTube search bar and that brought me to the TTV Reaction episode (that was also my first episode of TTV).
As for when it was officially announced, I was at school and saw some news reports, but couldn’t see the Mask of Creation gif until I got home because the school had a dumb internet filter.


What happened? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I never really knew it was ending but after the Stars I found myself thinking when the new sets would arrive. In those days I didn’t spent a lot of time on the internet so I it was rare for me look something like that up. That’s when I found out it had ended. Months after the fact. I remember being dissapointed but moved on.

In 2014 I was just messing around on the intenet. For some reason Bionicle ended up in my head and I was thinking how cool it would be is Bionicle returned so I searched on google for Bionicle 2014 and I found the earliest 2015 leaks leaked about 3 days before I searched for it. Undescribable emotions flooded me that day. Good times :slight_smile:


I was listening to TTV 195 when I learned that BIONICLE was ending. :frowning:

In all seriousness, I only found out that BIONICLE ended when HF 2.0 came out. For the first HF wave, I thought those sets were BIONICLE sets (since it said “From the makers of BIONICLE”), and once the 2.0 canisters dropped that…I finally realized that BIONICLE was dead. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Where was I when it ended? High school, actually. I’d gotten the latest LEGO Club magazine bundle with the two comics the day before, but it was late, and I was too tired to read them, so I brought them in to school to read and show to my friends, and that was it. I genuinely started crying, embarrassingly enough.

4 years later, I was sifting through various sources of news for my college radio show, when the black-and-white leak of the 2015 sets popped up. In all my skepticism, I decided to look closely at the image to try and determine its legitimacy, when I saw the six-shooter piece, which had only been revealed with the Wookiee Gunship a couple of days earlier, which sold it for me, since you can’t fake something that subtle at such short notice. No crying this time, though. Almost, but not quite.

About two months ago, in my room, on a YouTube video. I learned both at the same time.

I sort of lost track of bionicle after the Inika sets…

In my room.

In my room.

I cried both times.


Oh hey this topic can be active again…

I was in the middle of my AP Statistics class this morning. I pulled out my phone to see what people were saying about JTO’s ending, and I saw the huge banner on this site, telling me that BIONICLE was officially cancelled.

I was so shocked, I actually screamed “NO!”. People looked at me like I was insane…I don’t blame them.

Yeah, but I didn’t tell them. They wouldn’t understand. :stuck_out_tongue: The teacher was pissed though. :stuck_out_tongue:


Did they ask you what was wrong?

I was in my house watching the final episodes of JtO. Afterword I came here and there was the announcement.

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I watched JtO. The ending made it pretty obvious.