Which body part is hardest to build custom?

Well I can officially change my hardest body part from torso to head.

I have learned the ways of torso.


I hope.


Torso and thighs for me.

Nah, just thighs.

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Torsos are hard for me to build, they look good but are hard for me to build. Thighs just don’t work for me.

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Yeeeaa. same here, They can look really good. but they are a pain to make.

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I always have trouble with the feet when I do my big mocs, although whenever I try to make a smaller ones I’ll be there for a while trying to make a decent torso

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Oh yah torsos are really hard too.

Every one because I’m a terrible MOCer.


Legs are hard for me.
Sometimes ill scrap an entire moc because I didn’t like/couldn’t design the legs


I don’t have a problem but if I had to say it’s probably the torso because it’s either too exposed or its distractingly covered. And sometimes just fitting the size is difficult too.

While torsos are pretty hard, limbs like legs happen to take the spotlight. In reality, all limbs and/or other are easy if using the basic connection methods, but hard if using System or Technic. Arms have to be the easiest, considering they’re sideswept at all times, but custom heads… you have to admire the designers of Ninjago’s Post-Rebooted dragon heads.

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I’m terrible at mocs in general, but one of the hardest parts from what I can tell is the torso. It’s just too hard in general.

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The waist/hips.



I’d say heads and legs are the hardest. Legs need to bear the weight of the entire MOC, and while LEGO has introduced us to quite a few sets that have that covered, it remains a challenge for really large MOCs, which I have no shortage of experience building.

Heads are a close second because it is often not entirely feasible to give the character a mask. It gets even harder when the head needs to illustrate a certain concept that carries on through the MOC.

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Yeah. One moc had the standard white Mask killer look to it and the head was the hardest just trying to custom build the basic white mask.

#HANDS :triumph:

A good expressive head can make or break a moc. I’ve got a lot of respect for people who can pull them off.


Indeed, I also find good hands hard to make at a certain scale. Petite Feminine hands are kinda hard.