Which Color Do You Prefer for the Message Boards?

Well then, I think I will act exclusively hostile now.

Neat! I like blue as well, it’s my second or third favorite color. Kind of tied with browns. ^^

I like the old color way better than this

Neon blue and hot pink kthx

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Can we like

Replace every color with a checkerboard pattern consisting of Tim Allen and the guy from Chex Quest?

And what would that look like?

Or better yet, this:



Nightmare fuel every time we log in.
Interesting strategy, I like it.

A background option would be nice.


I can’t see it on my mobile, what color is it?

On mobile, the background of the toa and the MoC clash with the text, making it hard to read. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you!

Yup! Just go on the little button that looks like three lines on the top right corner of your screen, click it, go to the bottom and click “desktop view”.

This will allow you to not only watch the blue boards but they will also not be transparent.

I like the blue, but I wish the boards were orange.
Cause it’s my favorite colour.

You, sir, are a visionary, this is what the boards should look like.


I liked the idea of it being purple, it fit my avatar more, but this one doesn’t look that bad

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I like how it matches the website. Exx everywhere.


Purple would be nice.

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Everywhere except at the top where all the other 7 cast members minus prpl is.

I like the blue, and it matches the website.

Likes this new Blue front, but it’s some Purple,some Orange, & some Green.

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