Who was your first Toa Mata and do you remember the day you got it?

It was in 2008 and it was my primary school’s summer fair. I got bought Gali, Lewa, Onua and Tahu. They had a lot of missing pieces but just enough to satisfy me. I also got Tahu Nuva, Pohatu Nuva and the green Bohrok. Those sets are what got me back into Bionicle until it ended. They also influenced me to buy Phantoka Kopaka and the red Makuta. I really wanted Lewa but he wasn’t at the store :cry:

@Mist He’s Batman.

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I… Never got a Toa Mata.

My parents bought me Onua when I aced an exam or something back in 2001. I believe I chose him because my favorite color is black. I didn’t know anything of BIONICLE then. I couldn’t even put his eyepiece in correctly. It was lost sometime when I was at some beach. I had to give him a new yellow one I got from the Kanohi pack.

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I think it was 09 when I got Pohatu and Lewa both it canisters at a car boot.

My first Toa Mata actually wasn’t that long ago… I got Tahu and Kopaka, along with Teridax on a Market…

My first Toa Mata was Pohatu, because I removed him from the box first

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I got all six at once on the 25th of December 2006.

Toa mata gali. Unfortunately a peice snapped off the torso, missing 1 hook, and don’t have the mask.

If i remember correctly it was Toa Mata Tahu. Can’t remember which toa i got after that.

Uh…Does Lewa MoJ count?

(I was not even alive when they came out…so)

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My first Toa Mata was Lewa (and kind of Gali). Back in the day, I didn’t even know what a ‘bionicle’ was, and it was around when I was five or six when my grandmother came over. She brought with her Lewa, Gali and a host of Bionicle comics, all from a thrift store. A couple weeks later, she found Pohatu and even more comics.

And thus, my life was henceforth changed…


Praise thrift stores! and generous grandmothers too of course


I actually have a similar story. My fist Mata was ma’ man Tahu. I got him from a thrift store and had no idea how to build him. I did know he was “one of the origanels” and I think I even had his instructions. Years later I treasure that figure and still have him to this day.

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Same. The only reason gali matas in peices right now is becuase I’m missing 1 hook and her mask. Not to mention the back torso attachment (where the main gear went through) snapped off so she would require bricklink and for me to finish organizing my parts.

I got my Tahu Mata in a french thrift shop a few years back, He came with almost everything. Pod, instructions, little green tile…Don’t why he had that…Just missing a gear…All for 7 bucks.

My first Toa Mata was Tahu. I still remember how excited I was when I got him.

It was Lewa, all the way back in the original release. I was around 6 at the time, so memory is a bit fuzzy beyond that.