Who would you spare?

Artakha stood in the shattered doorway, facing some of the most powerful beings in existence. His stance made it clear he was their equal, if not their superior.
His cold eyes fell first on Lewa Nuva. “Your task is done,” he said. “Return whence you came.”
Lewa Nuva stared at Artakha for a moment, then turned without a word and started to exit, only to be blocked by the newcomer.
“Without the body,” said Artakha.
Lewa Nuva shrugged. “Payment for services rendered?”
“The mind of Lewa Nuva is trapped within your old body, Tren Krom, as you well know,” Artakha replied. “He deserves better than to suffer a fate meant for you.”
The mouth of Lewa Nuva smiled, though it was the mind of Tren Krom that made it so. “The words come easily to you, Artakha. You chose to live as an exile. I did not.”
“None of us choose our destiny,” Artakha replied. “And none of us can defy it. Go, Tren Krom. Have faith Mata Nui will reward you when all is said and done.”
Lewa Nuva nodded. “Faith, yes… a drop of water in place of an ocean.”
Artakha reached out and placed the palm of his right hand on Lewa Nuva’s forehead. “It’s more than time.”


probably toa ignika. Now there is basically a dead toa nuva.


Not dead, just deactivated. He sacrificed his body, but his AI still exists within the Ignika.

Why is his right shoulder armor upside down in this image?

I think it’s just how Lego did it.

A mistake in the render, it’s not supposed to be built that way