Why do YOU write?

I wonder why? :stuck_out_tongue:


I ask myself that question on some kid of basis.

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I write to get through my boring English class.
If only we actually learned about literature instead of studying how to write essays for the whole semesterā€¦

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Agreed. Having a teacher who teaches all geography and one period of English makes thingsā€¦ interesting. Example, Salem Witch Trials Unit.

I started on BIONICLE fanfics, but Iā€™ve since done a good amount of creative writing and essay writing. Itā€™s fun, and I like entertaining friends and such.

And poetry writing, but I try to pretend I donā€™t :stuck_out_tongue:

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I write to learn, teach, entertain, get school work down, and to satisfy myself.

I enjoy telling stories and writing about things I love. I would just find myself doodling in class or writing on pieces of A4 paper and sliding them into my planner to hide them. My teachers used to get so annoyed. XD. Iā€™m also better at explaining emotions and how I feel on paper whenever I try to say something to someone thats personal I stutter and slur over words. It happens on the podcast quite a bit too however not as bad and thereā€™s a comedic aspect to it (I think). As you can guess its not as funny when Iā€™m trying to be serious.


I always draw on my papers. XD

Although, iā€™ve never gotten in trouble for it (mostly because I still do the work). Are teachers over where you live more critical on it? Because my teachers love to see my everyday doodles.


Some of them would find it interesting and enjoy it like yours do. But as I went into secondary school they used to get annoyed and take the paper off me, then I would just get another piece out because I always had spare. XD


Why would they do such a thing? Donā€™t they know drawing shows that youā€™re comprehending the world? Or donā€™t they know that imagination is more important than knowledge?

I think they thought I wasnā€™t paying attention in their lessons and to be honest in some of the lessons I wasnā€™t. A 13 year old isnā€™t going to want to sit still and listen and take commitment to a French lesson for 3 hours straight.
My school thought grades were more important than anything, unfortunately.


There is only one life for @Viper, and that life is the thug life.


I write because the education system makes me, or else!

Fight the power, bro!

I like to write because I always have ideas coming up in my head and want to find a way to get them out, and usually writing is the easiest way.
I also write stories for my own characters such as my Self-MOC so I can give them a background story.


I write to pass time, do something creative instead of watch YouTube or play video games. I get these inspirations that I just have to put down into notes, even if I never put them in a finished story (protip, your first draft will always be trash, as will your earlier writings. Itā€™s true for me, and for everybody who writes.) But on a more basic sense, I am a storyteller and a creator. What I do with Bionics in 3D, I do with words in 2D. Also as a sense of catharsis, If Iā€™m struggling with something, I can help get over it by pushing those feelings onto a fictional character of my own making.

I write because Iā€™ve always loved to read. I think itā€™s only natural that a reader is also a writer, and vice versa. The next step after experiencing writing that inspires you is to write your own material, or at least make it up in your head.


I write because I love to put my ideas down in some form. It helps my brain spit every bit of itā€™s imagination into a lovely clump on the paper. :smile:

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I write because it is by far and away the most efficient method for me to actually record the stories my imagination comes up with and share them with the world. If I had the time, Iā€™d be making comics (which would take ages to do), but I donā€™t, therefore I write instead.

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I love writing because it was the first way I could describe and tell a story. I love art, donā€™t get me wrong but I still think my writing skills outweigh my drawing. But because I donā€™t read too many books I never grow too much as a writer. But if I could read quicker, I definitely would read a lot more and get better. :slight_smile: