Why do YOU write?

Honestly, just because I find creative writing fun.

I actually started the other way around, with drawing (pen and paper, than digital) as a means to give the stories and characters in my head a way out over writing. I always appreciated a great picture more than a great book, probably because getting into a book (or book series) requires a much greater time commitment than, well, looking at a picture, and I had neither the will nor the patience to really throw myself into a book. Basically, Iā€™ve never been much of a recreational reader, and that also started to play into my drawing; nowadays, to produce any art beyond a sketch that Iā€™d consider worth sharing, Iā€™d be busy for an entire afternoon and evening if not longer, and thatā€™s time I donā€™t have.

However, with everything, drawings or MOCs, that I posted, the descriptions and background stories Iā€™d put up with them got longer and longer as I went from trying to give some context to the picture to actually trying to tell the full story behind them, and that coincided with me getting into tabletop roleplaying games for which I started to write out character backstories. Thatā€™s how I started to appreciate writing as a way to tell a story far more efficiently than trying to do it through pictures, and why I now rarely draw beyond character sketches and scribbles in class while I spend a lot of time writing.

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I started my writing when my English teacher asked the year group to do 1 of 2 things write a story with a title given to us or something but I forgot what it was so I chose the story and the teacher liked it and this was made in 20-30 minutes cause Iā€™m slow and need to think but didnā€™t finish it and ended on a cliff hanger

I write poems. I write when I feel like doing something with my life - as well as a large dose of emotion. Although the only poem I have currently written in the message boards is not too heartfelt.

Iā€™ve loved writing since I wasā€¦ 10 I believe? Anyway, one day we got as an assignment to write a story and I went for a story that was, errā€¦ ā€œinspiredā€ by the Dinosaur movie made by Disney which at the time was my absolute favourite movie. Then I started to think up sequels for that (or unofficial fanfiction sequels to Dinosaur, if youā€™d rather put it that way). Then it went completely out of control and suddenly I had this idea for a story that now is essentially just one story in a large universe (funnily enough, there are now only very minor things that could be traced to my original Dinosaur stories, and a lot of whatā€™s in there now is actually based on Bionicle).

Why I love writing though, is because I love coming up with these ideas for stories and events and seeing them coming to life on paper is so thing that I get a lot of joy out of.


This is probably the only thing I can relate to in this thread, I cover papers completely in abstract drawings that for some reason that I canā€™t really explain always include a lot of references to the human eye.

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I write to just get ideas out on paper, although Iā€™m never confident enough about them to show anyone.

As an individual who is especially susceptible to stress, the very task of writing is catharsis. I specify writing as a task due to how challenging it is for me to pick out words sometimes. Not occasionally, I get exasperated with life and get that stress out by long-distance running and writing. Plus, it leaves you with a sense that youā€™re a contributor, a sort of artist. Someone leaving something to be remembered by.



Yesterday I wrote a five-page short story for two specific reasons:

  1. I needed to do something to take my mind off of a certain, event, in which I felt betrayed by one of my friends. Donā€™t Ask.
  2. Today (as Iā€™m writing) is Fatherā€™s day, and I wanted to write something as a gift for my Dad. He loved it, by the way!
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Iā€™ve been trying to write a book. Itā€™s not going so wellā€¦

To make people happy and laugh! People like it when I use them in my stories. So, I do that.

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When I was just a younginā€™, I got bullied quite a bit. So I would write. I would tell stories about people overcoming hardships. I would write songs and sing them until I got them just right. I would spend hours thinking of as many rhyming words as I could, then Iā€™d use as many as possible in short, kinda mediocre poems. That aspect of me kind of stuck, and my love for reading and writing only grows. Now, I write to channel my creative energy. Well, that and I always love sharing my ideas with the world.

This extends more to writing music than it does to writing BIONICLE stories, but simply put, I want people to understand and empathize with my experiences. I firmly believe that there are people that have gone through, or are going through, the same kind of problems that I have gone through, including depression, apathy, and self-hatred, but that they might not have the right words to express the way they feel. I for one really acquired my tastes in music listening to artists who would say the things that I felt but could not or would not be able to say in front of other people.

This extends to myself, as a lot of my music is first and foremost an exercise in me exploring how I feel. Hewkiiā€™s Lament, one of the few pieces of music/poetry Iā€™ve posted on this site, was a process of me exploring feelings that I felt should not have existed in me. The comparisons to love being non canon in BIONICLE clicked, and I built the whole story around that metaphor.

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