To be fair, Gresh was one the best designed figures of 2009. It really doesn’t bother me that he was a Star.
It gave us that weird exclusive piece that I like for no reason.
They’ve done more ridiculous things than making a turaga a toa again.
B-but it isn’t part of the life cycle…
Neither is having your consciousness shoved in a mask.
Toa Mahri!!! But that happened 6 years ago now. Sadly, nothing can be done, unless you got a blue police box.
Funny, Gresh, for whatever reason, is the only 2009 Glatorian I don’t have.
So they wanted a Glatorian included.
All of the Legends wouldn’t be retired by the time of Stars release, so they had to pick from the original wave.
Skrall-included. Only true villain.
Tarix- Possibility, but we already have Nektann in blue, so let’s pass.
Vorox- is an animal. Not useful to story.
Malum- would either side with Makuta or not care. Besides, already have Tahu in red.
Strakk- is a morally ambiguous character who has since been exiled. Not good material.
Gresh- included. Really the only eligible Glatorian. Plus he said this:
“We don’t charge to save a life.” So he’s a standup guy.
EDIT: I took the title to mean “Why Gresh instead of a different glatorian” not “Why a glatorian”
I don’t think Malum would side with Makuta, though.
He’s really an anti hero in my book.
Super old topic but going to reply anyways…
Canonically, Gresh was easily one of the best (rookie though he was) Glatorian warriors. IRL, he and Skrall were by far the most recognizable characters from 2009. So considering the focus of the Stars was to incorporate “MVPs”, if you will, from the entire lifespan of the theme, Gresh’s inclusion makes a decent amount of sense. Same can be said for the Skrall.
I also think that what @CausticKrana said probably has some truth to it, too. The wave couldn’t be all pre-2009 characters.
An anti-hero defies the law (and usually kills people without regret) in order to achieve a “greater good”. Malum defied the law of gladiatorial combat and attempted to murder his opponent not to achieve a “greater good”, but to satisfy his own anger and blood lust. That makes him a criminal, not an anti-hero.
Not to mention that, after his exile, Malum chose to wander the wastelands and challenge any Glatorian he chanced upon for personal gain, and eventually even took command of a pack of Vorox to further threaten whomever crossed his path. He was a killer and a thug, and going off his behavior and established personality in general, I’d bet quite a few widgets that Malum would most definitely ally with Makuta if offered great wealth or power, or perhaps even a chance at revenge. The only thing that might stop such an alliance is Malum’s obviously rebellious and stubborn nature.
the real question is why the stars didnt even represent all of Bionicle
Tahu is from 2001
Takanuva and Rahkshi are 2003
Piraka is 2006
Grash and Skrall are 2009
They really couldnt have made skrall a Vahki or Visorak to represent 2004/2005 or replaced gresh with kongu.
Same applies for 2003, either one of those two characters could have been replaced with a different character from another year.
Honestly, I would’ve preferred Zaktan to Gresh and Hahli instead of Nektann.
Would’ve made for a more proper representation of Bionicle as a whole and given some spotlight to a couple more instrumental characters in the story’s final hour, but ah well. We got what we got.
Yes to Zaktan, but I think Gresh deserves his place among the Stars. So I’d replace Nektann with Zak.
It’s honestly kind of hard keeping even teams while also fairly choosing the “stars” from BIONICLE’s entire run. I do feel some better choices could’ve been made, such as including one of the established Skakdi instead of a new one. But I do think Lego did a good job balancing the Stars as they did.
The problem is that zaktan isnt blue, hes green, so he would be the green one while Hahli would be the blue one.
Gresh deserve a place sure, but we didnt need two 2009 sets on the stars when there plenty of other years that didnt get represented.
Yeah, I guess I forgot to consider coloring.
Speaking of representing other years, though, a Visorak would’ve been nice to see.
I wonder how they would pull that off with the Agori build…
I actually think it could’ve been possible, depending on the elements used. They’d have obviously needed to make a new mold for the carapace, but it could’ve worked.
I’d honestly want something for 2007, but the Barraki are captured and the Mahri were defending Aqua Magna
I guess this was a nice enough nod though why does Nuparu still have his breathing tube
Was it stated in-fiction that they no longer had the breathing tubes? I mean, they were made amphibious, so still having the tubes would make sense.
Well they also had skrall, so I guess they wanted to have someone else from '09.