Worst of lego Bootlegs

The antithesis to The best of Lego bootlegs .

This topic is meant for us to gawk and discuss the sheer absurdity of some of the worst lego bootlegs known to man.

If you have store links for these truly horrid plagues to mankind please provide them.

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What is the point of this topic? Since you didn’t explain or offer an explanation when you started it, please justify it, or we’re going to have to close it.

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Best Of LEGO Bootlegs

I believe I have Fixed it.

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Who the heck approved that!?

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I knew! I absolutely knew someone was going to do this eventually!

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Yeah, this really isn’t that different from the Bootleg topic aside from the name. These two serve functionally the same purpose. Unless I can hear or see a better reason, this will be closed and merged with the other one.

Yeah can’t really think of a reason for it not to be.

Is it okay if I delete this topic once it has been merged or will that mess something up?

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