Would You Rather...? (Game)

Live with memes.

Would you rather resort to cannibalism or turn into a zombie?

Humans are just like any other animal, so I wouldn’t feel bad.

Would you rather have fingernails that grow 6 inches a day, or no fingernails at all?

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I can live with that.
Would you rather have an arm for a leg, or a leg for an arm?

The more hands the better.

Would you rather always see the latest leaks first, but not be able to talk about them OR somehow be able to describe the leaks, but never actually see them?


Would you rather eat McDonald’s and get sick everyday, or eat Taco Bell and get sick everyday.

Ya’know, tummy aches either way. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Would you rather…

Coca-cola or pepsi?

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Cherry Coke, FTW!

Would you rather jump off of the roof of your own house, or jump off the roof of your best friends house?


My best friend has a swimming pool.
Would you rather be paralysed but be able to fly or be blind but have xray vision? :stuck_out_tongue:


Blind x-ray vision. Eventually, I could pay to repair my eyes.

'Would you rather have the CCBS Chi sets or the IFB sets?



Would you rather die and become a ghost, or be immortal?


Immortality sounds fine.
Would you rather, only play Sonic 06 the rest of your life or only play Aquaman: battle for Atlantis the rest of your life.

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Sonic 06, because I could at least get a laugh

Would you rather own every video game you ever wanted, but be really bad at all of them, or only own one game ever and be very good at it?


this one, because at least I could enjoy them

would you rather get stabbed in the stomach and live, or get your back broken and live?


Back cause then I am like Batman!

Would you rather be friends with an alien or be friends with a movie star?

Totally friends with an alien. I don’t care about the movie stars popularity or money, I want access to foreign technology and an ally in case the Human Vs. Alien war breaks out.

Would you rather G1 be erased, but G2 stays, or G2 be erased, but G1 stays.

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G1, I already know what happens, so we can get something new.

Would you rather burn all your Bionicle sets or all your System pieces?

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System. No other answer.

Would you rather have a dog with rabies, or a horse with a broken leg?

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A horse with a broken leg.

Would you rather have a giant tarantula or a swarm of lady bugs on your bed?

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Because they are harmless to me.

Would you rather be convicted for a crime you committed, or for a crime you did not commit?


One I did commit. That way I get punished.

Would you rather play Sonic 06 or shudder Rise of Lyric?