Would You Rather...? (Game)

Okoto, because there is a lot of mystery there, I know all about the MU, I don’t know a lot about the OU

would you rather get hit by a mace, or a hammer?


A Hammer, because it could just be one of those small ones, or the big but lightweight rubbery ones. :stuck_out_tongue:

Would you rather, live forever without eating, or live forever without drinking?


Live forever without eating. Drinking is more vital to me.

Would you rather have a lifetime supply of bionicle parts or CCBS parts?

CCBS parts.

Would you rather be able to fly or shape ■■■■■?


WYR raise the dead to see John Lennon perform or Freddie Mercury perform?

John Lennon, but only because I have some meager recollection of the Beatles and don’t hate what I’ve heard.

WYR get all the sleep you want, but be unable to eat, or eat all you want, but never sleep?

Note: neither choice’s catch will kill you. It’s just eternal suffering.


food > sleep

Would you rather swim in a pool of sharp Lego pieces, or buy all of the 2001 sets just to burn them in a bonfire?


I don’t feel the pain caused by a LEGO Brick anymore, so I guess I’ll take a swim. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Would you rather become the most hated Mod or an all-around beloved Villager?


Beloved Villager.

Would you rather walk 20 feet on CCBS shells or Lego bricks?

Lego bricks for sure.

Would you rather drink vinegar or eat cooked artichokes?

I actually really wanted to eat artichokes as a kid
I still haven’t gotten around to eating them yet

Would you rather have no food in your fridge for a month or no computer?

[quote=“SwagMeister, post:71, topic:12672”]
Would you rather have no food in your fridge for a month or no computer?
[/quote]no food

Would you rather burn all your Lego’s or burn a member of your family?

Ghosty,asking disturbing questions since 2001


Immediate, or extended family. Also is the burning fatal?


yes. >:P

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Hmmm. I think I’d take the Lego option, I just can’t do it.

Would you rather Give me $500 or cut of a toe

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I’d pay you in monopoly money

would you rather go to mcdonalds and throw food at the employees or go to subway and pour some vinegar all over the employees


The first option sounds more like ironic justice, so that one.

Would you rather own the platinum Avohkii or all Bionicle sets in existence?

Note: you can’t sell either of them.

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All Bionicle sets ever made.
Would you rather be any Bionicle species on Earth, or be transported to the MU as a human?


I can get all the sets at my own pace.

Would you rather eat spam everyday, or eat spoiled milk once a week?



If I were human, I’d be totally vulnerable to get injured very easily.
So yeah.


eat spam everyday

Would you rather live with memes or live without memes

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