Okay, since it has been a while since the last installment of the “You decide what happens next” series, I decided to make a new one. This time, i’m going to make it a direct sequel to the very first “You decide what happens next.” So, that means we can continue from where we left off last, and build upon the last story.
For those of you who are nwe to this, there are just 2 basic rules you have to follow:
Anyone can write anything at any time, as long as it is related ot the story
Posts can be as long as anyone desires, depending on hoiw much they want to contribute to the story.
and that’s pretty much it. Let’s jump right into it!
Gathered freinds, listen again to our legend, of the Bionicle…
In a distant corner of the galaxy, an item was shining as it hurtled through space, away from Earth. They were once two items: The Mask of Ultimate power, and the Vithinity gauntlet. But in the explosion and destruction of Earth, the two artifacts merge togather into one horrifying new item: The Mask of Vithinite power. Suddently, somebody caught it. “I’ve Found it.” It was none other than Bratax, the Dark lord.
OOC: OK, so I don’t know why I got ‘invited’ (?) into this thing via a new notification. How does this even work?
IC: “Hold on, ugly.”
A voice said from behind him.
Bratax chuckled. “Imbicile. My power and meme status is far beyound your comprehention!” Bratax said, donning the mask. He could feel the power of Makuta and VThanos flowing through him. Robbie began to back away. “Uh oh…” he said, nervous.
OOC: Yeah. At the bottom of the topic, there should be an option to invite a user.
Sportacus snorted at him “OF COURSE NOT!!! I FOLLOWED THAT ROTTEN ROBBIEFOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS!!! Now, I’ll kill him!!! ATTACK!!!”
The Sport Star appeared behind the Robbie destroyer and began shooting with giant lasers. More Robbie destroyers appeared and RBI fighters with thousands
OOC: [quote=“Mctoran, post:18, topic:47982”]
Did someone mention me?" called a voice. Behind Mclane was Phil Swift, armed with a saw and the power of FLEX SEAL.
IC: “Not you! The other guy!” McClane shouted.
OOC: @Toa_Radrix Please keep count of all the replies, not only the ones you want to respond to.
Bratax absorbed the blue shockwave into himself, then snapped his fingers and disintigrated half of Sportacus’ fleet. Sportacus turned to Robbie. “Alright, let’s just call a truce for now. We’ll settle our score later. Deal?”