You know you're a ___ fan when

I saw we had a “You know you’re a BIONICLE Fan” topic, but not one for other themes. Instead of cluttering the boards, why not have one topic for anything but BIONICLE?

For example: You know you’re a Garfield fan when you name your cat Arlene

You know you’re a Star Wars Fan when you call your little brother “Jar Jar” when he gets annoying.


You know you’re a Halo fan when you can’t seem to make it to a date on time.

Don’t make a girl a promise if you know you can’t keep it.


You know your a Skyrim fan when you name your dog Meeko…

…This was NOT me it was my friend, but he did do it…


you know you are a Paramore Fan when you want to go on a $3k cruise with them

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You know you’re a Bionicle fan when you take Downfall with you on a day full of errands and read it whenever you get a chance.

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You know you’re a Mass Effect fan when you see someone get sick you think they have a worse immune system then a Quarian

You know you’re a Red vs Blue fan when you see a cone and think that it should protect you

okay this one is pretty great


You’re a Star Trek fan when you own a red ■■■■■, and make raktajino (Look it up).

You’re an Attack on Titan fan when you own an AoT ■■■■■■■■■■■, AoT Back Pack, and Mikasa is your secret Waifu.


You know you are a Star Wars Fan if you know who Pablo Jill is.

You know your a fan of procrastination when you tell someone “I’ll think of a excuse for why I’m not doing _____ later”…


You know you’re a Transformers: Armada fan when you’re devoted to get every figure, including Sideswipe.


No! Not Sideswipe! He’s evil!

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You know you’re a Jojo fan when you think of Stand names instead of bands from the 70s and 80s.

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You know your a half-life fan when you play enough to realize combine soldiers are just stormtroopers with better aim. (and cybernetics).


You know your a Pokemon fan when you play 200+ hours of a game before finishing it…

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You know you’re a Halo fan when you give up seeing your friend so you can play.

You know you’re a Batman fan when you have no parents.


You know you’re a doctor who fan when the only thing besides an iPad and Legos in your suitcase is a pile of sonic screwdrivers

You know you’re an EO fan when you can’t sleep and you’re worried about enemies nearby.

You know you’re a fan when your face is a spinning stick that causes wind to blow where ever you face.