Your Dying Wish

That this is it, that I won’t be reincarnated or come back. I want to be done with this world.


get to see a really nice sunset on the west coast of NZ.


My dying wish? That my death would have a positive effect upon others, rather than being seen as meaningless or inevitable. The true fear I have about death is whether I die having done the world some good, or die having accomplished nothing but selfish ambitions.

Thanks for reading my philosophical babbling.

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I’m in camp Duner on this one

Although I do wanna finish writing my story. It’s my single selfish thing I feel I need to accomplish

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That depends on how much time I have left. If we’re talking 60 more years, I’ve got all the time in the world to find what I’m looking for. If we’re talking 1 day or thereabouts, I’d say “a way to tell my friends not to mourn for me for too long.” If it’s a week or so, probably “someone who appreciates Lego and would recognize how important my collection is to me,” or in other words someone who I could give my Lego collection (as well as basically all my other stuff) without having to worry about those things being sold.


That my classmate Carl dies before me

I still haven’t forgiven you for the restroom incident back in fourth grade, Carl.