Your Dying Wish

You don’t have time to use them , though.

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I can wish for that


Well, if I die young…

Mine is to finally be with the girl of my dreams.

Even if that person’s a fellow weeaboo classmate.

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Another dying wish of mine is to exterminate double posts forever.


Then if we died at the same time, my wish would be to have the last double post =P


awwwwww… that’s cu-

awwwwww… ewwwwww…


By way of a moderation nova blast?

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fite me m8

i’ll rek u

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“While vile mutants Weeaboos still draw breath, there can be no peace.”
-Spess Marheens

Anyway, my dying wish might be to allow everyone to actually be content with their lives instead of unhappy.


I would like to be loved, to have a book be published, get married and have kids, and a statue built in my honor while roundabout plays non-stop.

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The implication is hat these two aren’t related


To rid the 40K universe of all of the emperors ememies in one fell swoop, and become a dreadnaught for my troubles


Well… that idea is…
Not bad…
Absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!
…But. not. bad.
(Plz get the reference)


I seriously feel like I should know this, it’s killing me trying to remember

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I really don’t know what I’d like my dying wish to be. Probably to have my coffin made out of all my all Lego sets.

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Do you know warhammer 40k?
It’s from the web series “If the emperor had a text-to-speech device”, and it’s somwthing marneus calgar yells at Cato Sicarius. I would include the gif, but it’s too big of a file.


Serious wish:
For my family and friends to be safe and live long, happy lives.
Crazy fun wish:
To be reincarnated as a god-king of a super civilization on an alien world, with my worst enemies as slaves.

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my dying wish would probably be to not need it.

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Badda bing badda boom I resurrect this topic from its doom!
Hmm…idk, lots of choices, I’ll only say very few: serious version would be something to do with resurrection I suppose. Meme version would be I wish that Bionicle comes back in a substantial way and finally gets the recognition it deserves. Oh and that all the dead biotubers come back :smile:


My dying wish will be:
First, don’t do a classic funeral in a church, those are boring and I don’t belive in god, and if there is even a small chance of my ghost going to my funeral I want to have fun. Second thing is that my body has to be cremated and the ashes need to be formed in to something I like, for example a lego brick or something like that. Also, regarding my funeral, i want a cake that tastes like absolute crap, then, the lawyer that will read my will shall say at the end of a sentence “… and because I wanted you all to remember me, I asked for a part of my ashes to be put in the cake you just ate” only to say a couple of sentences later that it was a joke. Generally my will will be full of stupid jokes and crap like that