I was waiting for someone to finally make this topic!
But please keep in mind that The Dream also includes brand new Bionicle sets, not only old ones.
I have experienced both more times than I can count and THE dissapointment once you wake up and realize it is not real
However I am one of the few lucky individuals who experienced a “Real Dream” - that is actually finding old Bionicle sets still in store, ever since their respective release year.
I had a dream recently where I was in a Target store looking at nerf blasters (another hobby of mine) when I looked up and saw a shelf or two or three with tons of old bionicle sets on it, but I only had a little bit of money to spend on them. My brothers were also there as well. The shelf also happened to be so high that we had fo use a ladder to get to it. A couple specific sets I remember include lhikan and kikanalo, (sorry, not really sure how to spell those names) and Lesovikk. That’s the only on that I can remember
I have had The Dream TM so many times over the years. I always find the sets in some random store that seem to sell everything. Sadly, I always wake up just as I am about to pick up one of the sets.
I have had it quite a few times, go to a store in The Dream find a bunch of old sets at fair prices; fill my cart with them only to vanish when I awake. I have had it enough that I almost got a meta awareness when The Dream would happen again I would be like “oh no its that stupid Dream again with the fake Bionicle’s isn’t it?” in The Dream itself. I dunno maybe I better practice that, its going to be my spinning top moment if I ever end up in Inception.
It actually kind of stopped once Bricks and Minifigures opened up in my local area and I begun getting on Bricklink for Bionicle parts more, between the two IRL I feel like I have been getting a lot of Bionicle sets recently so The Dream no longer often appears.
Although I did have some variant of The Dream last night actually… but its because I visited Andre Hurley’s Bionicle Archives yesterday to buy some used sets from him. Walking around his house, seeing and holding the Platinum Avohkii, looking at all the combo models and stuff from the books like the Rahi and Dark Hunters there in physical form. It was like I had walked into The Dream in its physical manifestation. So of course my night’s sleep was full of Bionicle images perhaps because now my brain knows that at least for some people The Dream is very real.
Just the other day I had a dream of making a Takanuva MOC with a gold 2008 Avohkii (neither of which I have), and buying a knockoff Botar in its own box with the component sets, similar to Voporak or Kardas.
I rarely remember my dreams when I wake up, so I don’t know if I ever had the dream. All the dreams I remember are sad, anxious and or nightmares. Guess The Dream wasn’t bad enough to remember
If I remember correctly (tell me if what I’m saying is BS if I’m wrong) It’s actually pretty common. Everybody dreams every night because the brain has to “re-organize” all the things you did during the day ( around three dreams per night) but you don’t always remember the dreams you have. If the dream is pretty intense or stuff, like a nightmare, you will remember it easier.
Though I am no psychologist, here’s a simple but plausible explanation as to why The Dream is so common.
While we still don’t know why dreams occur, dreams are reflections of our own personal memories and experiences. Since BIONICLE, and more specifically finding sets in stores, is/was a large part of our lives, it makes sense that we would eventually dream about it. Similar to some adults will still dream about being back in school, or dream about people you haven’t seen in ages.
As for my own personal experience with The Dream…
^^^^ This ^^^
Whenever I have The Dream, it’s always in some weird place you wouldn’t expect, like a bookstore or an old thrift shop in the middle of nowhere. Rows of classic G1 sets in mint condition. Pick up a box only to find it’s actually “Galaxy Warrior”, “Robot Hero” or some other generic bootleg name.
Well, I just had The Dream again, last night, so might as well catalogue it while it’s still fresh.
Once again, the store didn’t matter, might as well have not existed. In the corner of a shelf, almost hidden away, I found a pile of old bionicle sets, almost all of which were bootlegs that don’t exist. I also managed to find a couple of tiny part pack boxes (that don’t exist) that I knew for some reason were real Bionicle. The most interesting part of this dream was the 2006 bootlegs I found on the shelf. Each one had the number 92 somewhere on the box (no idea where that came from). And for some reason the Piraka were in bizarre canisters completely unlike the real ones. They looked like these jars
but stretched out to the proportions of the Inika boxes. There did appear to be a spot on the top for the head to be displayed, kinda like a fusion of how the Inika and Piraka did their cannister gimmicks. Once again, they had the number 92 molded into the back of the cannisters in very big letters.
I just want to know what 92 means.
Remembered one more bizarre detail, there were also like a thousand of these https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?S=8073-1#T=S&O={“iconly”:0} on the shelf next to the bionifakes. Which is kinda strange, I never owned a single atlantis set. Though I do remember watching the movie when I was a kid, and I also seem to remember there being a downloadable game of some kind that I had on my computer, but honestly, I’ve no idea if that actually existed.
I just woke up from The Dream again. I was definitely in a Walmart because I remember seeing employees. There was some Gali Mata sets, Gahlok Va, G2 Pohatu, and some other unrecognizable G2 sets. There was also a lot, and I mean a lot of Star Wars sets. There was even a Star Wars set that doesn’t exist. They also had Lego Agents sets which I thought was pretty cool. This dream was interesting because I specifically remember looking closely at the boxes so I could tell exactly what set it was. It’s like I knew deep down that it was a dream, and as such I would need to focus in on certain objects in order to give them actual form.
Edit: I remembered more details about two of the sets. The first one is the Star Wars set that doesn’t exist. It came with Captain Rex as the only Republic minifigure, some kind of walker (presumably the one from the 501st battle pack) and a pile of battle droids. I have no idea how many battle droids were in the pile, but I know it was a lot.
Second set I remembered more about was the Agents set. Even though it said Agents on the box, it looked like a Hidden Side set. It was a large box that you’d expect to cost at least 50 bucks, but the only things on the box were two minifigures one of which was in the air with that classic left arm and leg going back, right arm and leg going forward look.