Your experience with The Dream™

I’ve also had a recurring dream where I go to one of those big chain stores that sell a bit of everything, and they always have a mix of pre-2006 sets and throwbots in new packaging. The packaging always looks amateurish but the sets themselves are of the same quality as official Lego products.


My dream always plays out in a similar way:

-Gen 3 happens
-I decided not to buy the sets for one reason or another
-Gen 3 ends
-I regret my decision
-I go to a thrift shop
-They have 5 of the Gen 3 toa sets!
-Where’s number six
-I will never find number six

Happens, like, every month or two.


oh hey, a topic for The Dream

Mine have been weird if only two. A couple of months ago I dreamt I was in some toy store (probably a local one?) and lo and behold on the shelf was the product of the dream: a metric cubed ton of G1 sets. The selection made no sense, on a bottom shelf was simply Turaga Vakama, above the Toa Inika/Mahri, and above the Mata (I think? it’s hard to recount a dream perfectly). The weird stuff starts when Vakama just straight up disappears, and then I woke up. Last night I had a random dream about being in a store and all of a sudden I saw a sealed Pohatu Mata on a shelf for plants. It was that moment that I became aware of dreaming and shot awake

I think the weirdest part is that I have no nostalgia with G1. I wasn’t a fan of bonks as a whole until last year and the only G1 sets I ever owned were handed down to me by a cousin, which I don’t have anymore. They shouldn’t be invading my dreams but this lego robot brainrot is terrifyingly strong


I had a dream once where I had most of, if not all the Rahkshi from 2003. However, as soon as I opened Guurahk’s canister, I noticed most of the pieces were missing. Because of this I was too sad to open or even notice the other Rahkshi canisters.


I had a dream last night, but I’m a little foggy on it. Basically LEGO sold a ton of G1 sets in mint condition from S@H and I was opening up all the packages I bought. There were at least 10 boxes, but the only sets I remember seeing were Nidhiki, Toa Metru Nokama and Mazeka. There were definitely a few other 2008 sets, but I can’t remember what they were.

My dreams are always just me getting the old sets I missed out on.


I’ve also had a variation of the dream where I’m visiting someone’s house and they have a massive collection of g1 parts and mocs. To make a long story short the dream usually ends with me being allowed to take various pieces home, with the pieces in question often times being ones I need to complete a moc.


who are you visiting, Santa?!


Dont remember how long has it been since I have one of this dream, but the last time I had it, it basically just me walking into a random book store, found shelves full of Takadox & Carapar sets. Brought some of it then I woke up, feeling an immense disappointment and day have been ruined even before it is start.

Funny thing is, for some reason, every dream I had about the dream, it is always about the Barraki and Brutaka. I figured it’s because Mahri arc is when I started joined Bionicle, so I have more sentimental value about it more than other waves, and Brutaka is a titan set that I always wanted to have as a kid.


I had a dream earlier this month where my brother and I were kids again. We were walking through a mall, and we went into this small toy store that only sold lego sets from the early 2000s. The shelves were the small ones that you’d find at a kohl’s clothing store.


I woke up while we were standing in the checkout line, so we never bought anything. :unamused:


Every single time I have a dream like that, it makes me feel nostalgia for G1 I never knew I had.


Legend has it that those who successfully complete The Dream wake up with the bounties of their shopping having turned real.


Me about to speedrun the Dream category with 100% item completion.


so I had the dream again. I was browsing a store in the bionicle section, but instead of regular sets there were canister versions of the Toa Hagah that got canonized. I loaded all 6 into my cart but before I could make it to the checkout I woke up.


That’s like playing a mobile platformer game with a time limit, and you don’t have any gems to continue.


I can sadly refute this. I’ve gotten to the stage of having it home, having it on my shelf, and waking up expecting to see it there. This hasn’t just been limited to Bionicle either, there’s been all number of things I’ve expected to see when waking up.


hush, cretin


Must’ve been shoplifting.


The worst one was where I’d won a Dalek in a competition of some sort. It was a miniature custom, and although I don’t remember details, I was incredibly proud of winning the competition and very happy with my prize. Woke up, looked over to the shelf where I’d put it, and said shelf was empty. That hurt child me a disproportionate amount, hence why I still remember it well over a decade later.


That’s nothing. I had a dream where I got a little figurine, and was lying in bed holding it in my hand when I woke up. I felt it fade from existence in my hand.


Just had a dream last night. I was at a place I thought of as a Goodwill but thinking about it while awake it was more like a comic book store/library/bookstore. In one section behind a display case was a bag of Bionicle parts (I remember a leg assembly that was lime and light blue, used light blue Inika feet, and mixed CCBS and GI parts), some vintage system sets, a bag with the Piraka built somewhat like Irnakk (whose spine I also saw), and adjacent to the Piraka was a Toa or Bohrok Kaita. There was also a section of Halo figures and Boba Fett things, and I remember looking through DVDs. Then the dream turned into an unboxing of stone armor Kai which came with a gold accessory that was supposed to be a sword backing or something. Perpendicular to a bar handle was a rocky looking decoration that I thought looked like Korg’s face. I don’t know what was up with that.