I was lookin’ through the boards.
I was thinkin’ about YouTube.
I did some searching, and found that there was a YouTube Topic, that got closed.
In the post by Var he said some things.
That brings me to something this Topic will have. rules. #Read Them.
Then follow them, or we’ll get shut down.
2. Don’t talk about your own channel, if you do, I’ll salt you, and we will, as above, get shut down.
3. Follow the rules. It’s simple.
Now I hear your brains ticking away, wondering something along the lines of:
“If we can’t talk about who we like, what do we talk about?”
That is a good question.
I was hoping this would be a place where YouTube could be discussed in a more general way.
Discussion on trends, and scandals, and all that juicy goodness.
Now fly you fools!
And by fly I mean discuss.
Well i like youtube, Cause Vessel never works for me. I’ve heard some bad things about youtube and amazing things about Vessel. So maybe I’ll try vessel out one day again, BUT FOR NOW YOUTUBE IS GOOD ENOUGH (IT’S ALSO FREE TO USE FOR NOW).
YouTube is a monopoly in its own market. As such they can pretty much get away with their many mishaps. Their copyright protection policy is a joke and recently it has been causing trouble for a lot of users lately.
I watched a thing about that new React World thing, I began thinking about all the reactionist, the prank channels, and all the amazing channels wrongly getting taken down.
I am calling it right now.
We are 1 moth into 2016, and this will be the year YouTube changes.
I don’t know what will change, and how it will happen, but some big things are gonna go down this year…