2059: Big in Japan (RP Topic)

“I don’t have time for your games.” Akeru replied with angrily, continuing to approach the man in a rather hostile manner.

He points his two fingers at him like a finger gun. “Careful.” He warns. “This is a more fair fight than you might know.”

“Ex-cuse me!” She throws a fist forward and the pair of ropes in her hand lash out, moving to snake around Areku’s torso. “I was talking to you!”

Em walked into an empty hotel and rented out a room to scout the intersection. When I see something fun. I’ll just pop over and pick someone up

「Shepherd of Fire」 instantly moves into action, transporting itself in front of Akeru and deflecting each of the incoming ropes with a blow of its fists and lighting each of the rope ablaze with a burning blue blaze. “I said stay out of what doesn’t concern you.”

The man, named Shouya, takes the chance to fire lasers out of the two fingers pointed at Akeru.

Void Eater appeared from a mirror in the middle of Tokyo. A bystander saw him, and called out “Yokai”, probably because Void Eater was a floating head. Void Eater casts an illusion to a fear the being had, and he runs away, leaving Void Eater to disappear into an Alleyway.

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Akeru’s eyes widen as the lasers prepare to fire and twists out of the way, but the lasers still manage to burn a pair of gorges across his chest.

Shouya stayed back and fired another one at Akeru, just one, aimed at the foot.

OOC: I’m going to assume at this point Akeru has effectively fought back against the barrage of ropes.

IC: Akeru took a step forward and had his foot pierced squarely by the laser, but that didn’t stop Akeru’s approach. He rune towards Shouya and if he gets within 3 meters, 「Shepherd of Fire」 would emerge and attempt to punch Shouya’s helmet protected face.

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Shouya would duck under the punch, then spring forwards, using a boost from his boots to help propel him, and bring the extended blade on his right forearm towards the stomach of 「Shepherd of Fire」.

「Shepherd of Fire」 would dodge out of the way with its superhuman speed, then attempt to bring its fists down upon Shouya’s back and slam him into the ground. Meanwhile Akeru circled around in order to keep 「Shepherd of Fire」 between himself and Shouya.

At that point all trains in ghe city had halted, tjeir conductlrs being controlled by The Citizen.

Thos approached Akeru.
“Would you like assistance?” He screeched, staring at Akeru eerily.

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“Buzz off bot, this doesn’t concern you.”

“Affirmative.” Thos moved around the stand and approached Shouya. “Would you like assistance?”

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He hit the ground with a thud and rolled to the side, standing once more. “Yeah, sure.” He responded to the robot, slightly wheezing.

Lash pulls her ropes away, beating them against the ground to put out the flames. “Maybe you could answer my question!” She waits for the stand to go back to attacking Shouya and tries again, bringing her non-damaged ropes forward to grab at Akeru.

OOC: What exactly does the fire do, again?

Akeru would take a couple steps forward to make sure Shouya stays firmly in range before having 「Shepherd of Fire」 unleash a flurry of punches at Shouya, letting out a cry of “Arerererere!” once again.

OOC: Normal fire but blue, the other effect isn’t a constant effect and will be noted if it’s activated.

IC: Akeru is quickly grabbed by the ropes and struggles vainly against them, his stand being preoccupied.

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Shouya jumps back and boosts along with it(that makes 5 out of 8, if my math is correct) to gain distance, firing two lasers from his palms at the stand as he does so.