Bionicle MOC - Arkus: The Steel-clad Warmonger (monochrome moc contest)

So after reading through the Bionicle G2 artbook I felt really inspired to build something, I originally planned to end up making a Tahu revamp, but… things got a lil weird along the way - and thus, Arkus was born. He’s a big ol beefy dude with a battleaxe and a lot of silver parts - hence my decision to enter him in the monochrome moc contest. I used almost exclusively ccbs when making this guy so he’s a bit different from the regular mocs I make, but! I hope you guys like him anyways :slight_smile:

Arkus - The Steel-clad Warmonger

Front and Back View (I’m aware of the ridiculous proportions, and I kinda dig it, gives him character)

Closeup of Head/Shoulders (Was very unsure of what kind of head to give him for a long time, but when i found this weird hero factory one it just fit so well)

Big bunker buster here also has a shield that he can equip if he feels so inclined, although i usually leave it out.

Here are some more somewhat clearer shots of his axe, as well as a nice closeup

Contrary to what you might think, Arkus is also very stable and can hold poses (like this running pose) very well

And that’s all for now! It’s very possible that Arkus will undergo a substantial amount of changes in the future, and I would love any and all criticism to help make him as good as possible when this happens :slight_smile:


That is just fantastic!!!

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“Do you even lift?”

This moc is overdose with silver pieces and have a skinny waist.
The weapon is decent.


I get the skinny waist complaint, and i don’t really expect most people to like it, the silver however is due to the contest, I’ll likely make a later version with more colour

I may just be listening to a Cruel Angel’s Thesis a bit too much, but I think with some changes in height and waist thickness, this could pass as a eva

Still very cool, and pretty ‘T’


I don’t really do the animes, so I haven’t the slightest idea what that is, but thankyou nonetheless hahaha

Personally I really like the exaggerated proportions. I like Arkus as he is now.

Eeeeexcept for the two blade pieces next to those Onua digging mitts behind his head. The two seem to stick out a little too much from what would be a smooth transition into shoulders.

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Thanks man, really appreciate it :slight_smile: and I’m glad someone brought up those shoulder blades, it took me a long time to decide whether or not to use them

Steely disposition.

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Love the top half, the bottom half not so much. The thighs and waist are a little too thin for me, and the Nuva shoulder crotch doesn’t fit either.

Love the hands and the weapon, though, and the chest shaping! The trans orange and purple go really nicely together as well!

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Completely agree with the nuva crotch! And I’m currently trying to find a replacement. Thanks for the feedback man

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prrty gud but its really top heavy

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Jeezus i didnt know i was playing with the big dogs.

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Hahaha I’m hardly one of the big dogs, but thankyou :slight_smile:

I cannot believe it, this is incredible, never before seen… :stuck_out_tongue: undisputed, number 1, Arkus in the, entire planet. bravo.

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Well memed

Has this dude done any steroids?

His upper chest is huge.

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What’re you callin weird :grimacing:

The proportions are very unique and I like it, kinda reminds me of Starscream

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Ayy cheers man, and yeah I can see that

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T shaped torsos aside, this MOC is great.