ColdGoldLazarus' Art Attempts

That TARDIS interior…
So good.

Also, the moving stripes on the green-haired-person kinda remind me of Meltdown from Transformers Animated.


Coolio Kratta


This is extraordinary!

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That TARDIS is pretty legit. Obviously parts of it still need work, but I like the aesthetic, which I would describe as “minimalistic, but not so minimalistic that it looks cheap like the sets on the classic show.” :stuck_out_tongue:


Neat interpretation of the Kraata.

That Tardis is truly legit! I envy your CAD prowess.



Huh, that’s interesting. I was taking inspiration from Mimes and optical illusions, but the resemblance is certainly there.

Thank you for noticing it! XD

Thank you! Indeed; I plan to give it a lot more detail, particularly in the back room and the hallway doors, which need it the most. And of course, the control panel.

Probably helps that I’ve been fiddling about with Google Sketchup for the past eight years, but thanks anyway! :slight_smile:


That TARDIS needs a theme to go with it.


First, a reference nobody will get, that I drew in 2011; second, a possible character for an original story of mine, who I drew just earlier today.

The Mist Realm

Polly Diana Haddock

One of the first human figures I’ve drawn in the past year that I’ve been happy with.
1 down, 35 to go!

…And yes, her ponytail is meant to resemble a parrot’s upper beak.

Story: Daughter of Councillor Daria Haddock, Polly was a gifted stunt pilot before being drafted into the Modeenian Air Force. She was later shot down over Liberalitan territory, declared MIA but presumed dead. She’s not, by the way.

(In a d**k move of epic proportions, the Liberalitans never announced her capture and POW status, instead holding on to her for experimentation. What was that about them supposedly being the good guys?)

She’s usually pretty upbeat, though her sarcasm has somewhat of a mean-spirited side to it as well, and some question her ability to treat serious situations with the proper gravity. Her passion is for mechanics and flying, but she is somewhat of a jack-of-trades, able to fill in for most other roles.

After the end of the Fobidden Lands expedition, by using Jonah’s notes in combination with reverse-engineering the late mad scientist’s own array, Liberalitan scientists were able to recreate the bodily augmentations and a set of arrays for each class, which they applied to Polly regardless of her say in the matter. Due to some slight alterations made in the process, Polly is uniquely able to switch between different arrays instead of remaining restricted to just one, thus posessing the abilites of each of the seperate classes, and keeping with her aforementioned “Jack-of-trades” status.

Her Augmented ID code is 6P34 - Sixth wave, Parrot class, #34 total.


Sounds like it could be an episode of, The Outer Limits!

How so? (I am unfamiliar with The Outer Limits, so I’m not sure. Is it like The Twilight Zone?)

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Yeah, pretty much.

I’ve got such nostalgia from it.

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Huh, cool. Not the first thing that comes to mind, but I can see the connection.

It’s been a bit. I actually did the coloring last October (and the actual drawing sometime earlier) but here’s a thing I recently rediscovered. Unfortunately, it happened right before some computer issues occurred, so I may or may not be able to recover (been procrastinating on that a bit) the original files to do further work and improvements on, but thankfully these WIPs were uploaded before then, figured I’d show it off here.

This is my take on what a fully-restored Centipeedle from Steven Universe may look like. (Note that this was drawn before I saw Monster Buddies, though TBH I wouldn’t really make any changes to reflect that.) The first one has the colors overlapping the lines, creating a better look when zoomed out, but looks rather choppy up close, and the second has the lines over the colors, creating the opposite effect. Not sure which look to go with if I ever can continue this, (but either way I’ll be fixing that horrifying attempt at a mouth) to be honest, but here ya go.


Some recent WIPs.

My design for Megatron (Uncolored aside from the red bits) in Robot, Jet, and Tank modes, respectively. He still has a long ways to go.

A map of an island.
Light Grey - Cities and towns
Medium Grey - Pass
Dark Grey - Mountains
Dark Red - Badlands
Orange - Canyon
Yellow - Hills and slopes
Tan - Beaches and deserts
Light Green - Fields and farms
Dark Green - Forest
Blue - Lake

My design for Shockwave, also not very far along, though at least I’ve colored him. I’m actually slightly further along than these pics, but they show off how he functions better than the more recent one.

And an old project I revived just earlier today, after discovering past-me had had the foresight to email myself the files. It somewhat relates to this topic and this earlier post.



This is good stuff.

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The mask of X-Ray vision, most famously worn by Toa Kopaka. It’s gone through many iterations over the years, and I thought I’d try my hand at uniting them into my idealized version of the piece.

Started with a simple sketch on paper (Which was then drawn in digital by @Middlefingerstudios as you can see here) to work from. I wound up making additional changes from this, but it was important to get the basic concept down.

I started off by building a custom head; a combination of the Metru and G2 head designs with the extra aspect of a Miramax-esque posable mouth. (The lower jaw has been modified since this screencap was taken, it looks much less awkward now)

Then the mask itself. It went through a few different versions, and was frankly rather frustrating at times, but finally…

I arrived at the final version earlier this evening.

Given the design of the head, I felt it important to give the mask a Metru-like cowling in back; before that was included, the whole thing looked incredibly awkward from any angle other than head-on.

I also tried to make sure that, unlike the Uniter and Phantoka design elements I was borrowing from, the mask would still look good even without the additional bits.

The mouth in action. Something rarely seen from this wearer.

The design went through a few iterations, as you can see.

I do hope to tackle the other five masks at some point, (I also have sketches for those) and potentially expand beyond, but we’ll have to see.


looks awesome, I like the final version from the original sketch

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Looks fantastic; I take it you’re 3D printing?

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Hoping to, yeah.

O boi

this is beautiful

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