GAME: Boards Scavenger Hunt!

Alright, I’ll cut to the chase. In this thread, you gotta find an image that’s been posted on the boards. Mods/Masters, if you can figure out a way to improve the wording here, go ahead, but I’m gonna explain it the best I can.
Ok, so how this works is the first person (Me) would post a picture I found on the boards as well as a hint as to where it could be found (Hints must be spoiler tagged for any try hards who think they can find it without hints)
(Like this)

Wait why did I post this with my other skull revamps

Obviously, that hint was pretty easy, but since this would work better as a race sort of thing, make them pretty easy to understand (Maybe not that easy but y’know)

From here, any member who want to play would go through topics and try to find the picture. Once they’ve found it, just screenshot it (IN THE TOPIC YOU FOUND IT IN) and post it in this topic. As long as you’ve found the picture, you win, and get to decide the next picture to hunt down! (You can only determine the next hunt after you’ve won)
So something like this would win you the round.

(Please ignore the backstory and stuff this moc was made from scraps and I was edgy and bleh)
The only rules for finding pictures is

  • The picture cannot be in an unlisted topic
  • The picture cannot be from a thread that’s been untouched for over 5 months.
  • Try to keep some variety in the topics you get pictures from

and finally (contrary to my examples)

  • Do not take pictures from your own topics

That’s pretty much it though. And with that, I shall post the first picture! Happy hunting!

HINT: hope it gets on the front page!


Sounds like a pretty tedious game, but that’s just me. Maybe other peeps would find this fun though

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found it

here’s mine

Hint: keeping homeless heroes safe and unbroken since whenever you bought it


Found it

Here’s mine

Hint: A sketch by a certain X


I think I found it!

Here is mine.

Hint: There is a lot of god modding going on.

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Darn you, @GIF.Man.Ben , I don’t know how to take screencaptures!
So I quoted the post I put it in.
There is a lot of God-Modding though. In the Self-MOC Roleplay Topic, I mean.

I want you all to find THIS GIF:

Good luck and make sure to tell the truth!

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one problem
if it is art
we will find the topic easily
also if a Photo is in more than one topic
it would be unfair

Tell a Lie about the use above you

Er… you have to go get the image. Like, quote it or screencapture it or something.

Can you find this one?

Look at the signature.

Jeez that took a while
Anyway, bam

For my image, I’ll use

Hint: It’s buried beneath layers of intense discussion


My turn:

Hint:The post was made in 2015.

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