Halo: Into the Howling Dark V

“How close should we get?” Mariana asked. But before Kyanna could answer, Mariana gunned the engine, and drove past the fortification. Where she spun the Warthog out and drifted it into doing a 180.

Then as she drove past again she threw her unarmed Spike Grenade into the wall of the Covenant Fort. “Shoot that for me, would you?!” Mariana shouted to Kyanna. Which she figured would set off the grenade, and blow a hole in the wall of their fort.

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Kyanna nodded and shot the spike grenade, then since they were now behind the wraith she fired into it’s exposed battery in the back


“Hang on…” Mariana said to Kyanna, as she took evasive action with the Warthog, doing her best to stay behind the Wraith as it tried to turn around to counter attack them. All the while Kyanna was putting bullets into it’s rear end.

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Leo followed them. “Sky and Grace fire.” He said keeping the warthog from tipping over.


Kyanna giggled as the wraith exploded, unable to keep up with the warthog

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“Where to now?” Leo asked.


“Captain Butch, come in.” Mariana said in a com, hoping to reach him. "This is Sgt. Andrade. Your entire team are cruising down the Coastal Highway. May I ask for directions to get to you?, as fun as this joyride is.

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“Hey Kyanna, great shot.” Leo said as he stopped the warthog for a moment. “Sky seems to be dozing off.” He joked.

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“does she frequently become a statue like this?” Kyanna asked as she gunned down a group of grunts “and is she not operating your warthog turret? It seems like a terrible moment for it”

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“Not sure really… she wasn’t talking a lot when we all met up.” Leo said as he hopped onto the back of the warthog. He pulled Sky off the turret and put her in the driver’s seat. He jumped on and proceeded to fire at any enemy that moved. “I hope she doesn’t do it again.”

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“why would you put her in the driver seat you fool? If she is being a statue you should have kept her there because you could still drive away from the covenant and live, you have only made yourself a target for them to shoot since now you are not moving”

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“I’m not going to run and let my team fight on their own.” Leo replied as he kept shooting. “Sky! Start driving!” He yelled.

(aka squeaver get here now lol)

“So you will have just killed yourself and two team mates because you cannot move… How is that better?”

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“I… um… crud… didn’t think that through.” Leo said as he jumped off. He put Sky on the back of the warthog and started to drive. A grenade landed next to where they had been.

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“Leo, my hero.” Sky groaned as she fired at oncoming Banshees. Their Warthogs danced through the Covenant lines, bringing hell with them as they crossed through a checkpoint.

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Blake fired off any remaining covenant forces left, as Kaitlynn picked off any she could, that Blake had missed.

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Leo quietly laughed as he kept driving. “Do we just keep doing down this path?”

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“Yeah, make a left up here when we get to the bridge, don’t bother using the turn signal!” Sky shouted as they roared onwards.

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Leo nodded as he quickly sped up. He made the turn and continued driving.

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The bridge was heavily populated by Wraiths, as well as Ghosts, with gargantuan holes every few meters. It was at least two miles long.

“Leo, don’t you dare slow down!” Sky shouted.

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