Halo: Into the Howling Dark V

Yes. She also demonstrated how big and bad she is by walking up and threatening my Mother, who isn’t even augmented. I had to leave the hangar as soon as we got back, or else I might have shot Scarlett in the face. Catina thought in her mind.

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“I-It’s fine… That happens a lot to me…” Grace said to Spetz.

“Leo… I’m sorry. I’ll… I’ll bring her back…” Sky said. “Cat… What do you think about this?”

“I think this is the part you start taking off your-” Aries began,

“Shut up! I’m talking to Cat!” Sky tried to cover her ears

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“I asked her to talk to me as soon as possible. She didn’t get back to me at all… Kel told me that he told her, but I’d like her to respond herself…” Leo said as he put the box away. He held his head in his hands and hands and began to cry. “I’m scared Sky… I’m scared she no longer wants to be with me…”

Sarah poked Tom and Mary.


“You think This fireteam will last?” Kaitlynn asked as Blake shook her head.

“Sky thinks her leadership is being threatened. And she think she always need to be top dog, like Scarlett said, if she doesn’t favor you, She doesn’t care for you. Which is where the death of Sunday comes in before it begins, Look at us Kailtynn…this fireteam is made up of people took the military seriously and came out barley alive. You want my honest opinion? All of us, Kiana included, could take on Daylight and come out victorious. Because we know what to do. Daylight is a mess that is held together by some cheap glue.” He said. “I’m all for Fireteam Sunday. Because it could be our chance to use our military training properly, to work together and actually coordinate together, instead of running just on luck to survive.” He told her.

“She already showed she hates us for this basically. Think she’ll have us executed?” Kaitlynn asked.

“Wouldn’t surprise me if she did, but here’s where a problem comes in though if she did. She likes Josh so would she really takes Josh family from him like that?”

“What about Kyanna, Scarlett and the others?” She asked him. As he gave her a look. “Sunday is our fireteam, we treat them like brothers and sisters in arms, we stand with them, we fight with them, and we go down fighting with them if we gotta.”


“I’m not sure where we even stand as a fireteam, with leadership etc. thanks to the mega b*tch who took control of The Darkstar III. We apparently still need to regroup from that surprise betrayal of hers.” Catina said.

“It’ll be fun Aries, but not right now.” Catina said. “Let’s stay focused on this disabled ship, and any nasty surprises that may have been left waiting for anyone who boards it.”

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Mary hugged Tom tighter as Sarah poked her. “Hi, lovely.” Tom whispered to Sarah.

Sky hugged Leo. “She… She’s so god d*mn lucky to have you, Leo… I… I wouldn’t be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of her all that time ago…” Sky sighed.

Aries leaned on Cat.


“I’m going to leave this here for you and her, Okay… is going to talk to Grace and Beth.” Sarah whispered. “Just rest up okay… the food will stay hot.” She smiled as she kissed Tom and left.

“I don’t think she cares anymore… everyday I feel she wants to get further from me. I feel she barely speaks to me now… I…” Leo stopped and calmed down. “I don’t know what to do, whenever I offer to help she doesn’t how I could. Then she asks to be left alone and I just leave… then I repeat it all again the next day…”


“You know, I may be onto something that could ultimately help everyone work together.” Catina said to Aries. “Either find, or more likely avenge Admiral Stanley Jasper, as he founded and lead The Last Regiment. And if you hated ONI and UEG facism, he gave you the option to tell ONI and The UEG to go f*ck themselves. You better believe I was grateful to have been able to do just that.”

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Tom blushed. “Be back soon.” He smiled at her. These last weeks were wonderful for Tom, and he wouldn’t have known any of it if it weren’t for Blake. He needed to thank the man for the billionth time.

“Leo… I’ll have a word with her.” Sky said.

Aries nodded. "I don’t want to believe that. T

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“Believe what?” Catina asked. “That ONI are horrible, tyrannical POS?”

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“I-I mean I don’t believe Jasper is alive… He was good.”

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Leo put on his helmet and waited.

Sarah gave Tom a hug before running off.


“I’m not counting on it, just like I’m not getting my hopes up about Nos.” Catina said. “But I will want to know either way.”

“And from what we’ve seen, their tanks and that…thing they unleashed on us are about all they’d have going for them. When the time comes, then LR Marines, and even their version of Spartans…would probably start falling pretty easily to the SoS, Kiana, Scarlett, maybe even myself.”

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Tom kissed her cheek. “Bye.” He grinned.

They approached the Unwavered Soul and landed. “It’s sad what the LR has become.” Sky said. “It made so much progress.”

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“I know.” Catina said. “There might be a chance it could be salvaged, if we kick…her off of her throne. The SoS may help with that, and we don’t know just how popular the new leader is compared to Jasper.”

“Hermes.” Catina said to get his attention. “Shortly, I’m hoping to plug you into this ship. Can you scan for life forms on board? Also check the reactor, engines, and bridge to make sure they won’t explode either from battle damage, or if they are rigged to blow.”

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Hermes nodded. “Can do ma’am.”

“I’ll meet up with you guys later, I’m going to make a quick run through here.” Athena said before running off.
Leo nodded and checked his ammo.

Ana had her axe and sniper on her back. She held an DMR.

“I’m back you two.” Sarah said as she arrived at Grace and Beth.


“Also. Let me know if there are any Huragoks here. They could even be more useful to us than some Wraiths, Seraphs, etc.” Catina said. “In fact, we could just donate this ship and most everything on board to the Swords of Sangheilios. An unexpected gift for Kay Nar Valium, I’m guessing.”

“Hold on Athena.” Catina said. “I’m going to let Hermes move through the ship’s systems undetected.”

Catina then yanked Herme’s A.I. Chip from her helmet, and inserted him into the ship. “Go to it.” She said to him.

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Scarlett nodded at Kyanna. The arrived at the empty training room.

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Hermes nodded and quickly began to run a scan.

Athena sighed and stood there waiting.


Catina sent a com to everyone present. “I’m asking Hermes to search for any life forms, Huragoks or any of their Warriors waiting to ambush us. Which Hermes can shut off the gravity in their immediate area, while most of us have Mag Boots.”

“But more importantly. He is making sure the engines, bridge, or reactor won’t explode and destroy the entire ship, wether by accident or design. So maybe we could wait here, where we could easily escape.”

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