Okotan Adventures (RP Signup)

Name: Sonata
Element: Jungle
Equipment: A Metal Rod (about her own height, or metal Bo staff.), A Flute of Confusion (Causes temporary confusion, just fills nearby minds with music, calming them from fighting), A Scutum Shield (Type of Rectangular popularized by the Romans), and a Telescope.
Appearance: A dark green body, she wears tan cloth to hide her scars. Her cloth armor is known as Gambeson, (a popular armor used in medieval times)
Powers: Incredibly good with music, she can ‘calm’ the soul…Her flute let’s her calm people from anger, usually that ends a fight. She also seems to have a affinity for light, always finding it in a situation. (I put this there, hopefully to grow on it…)
Bio: Her father was killed by an assassin, using a side-sword (Symphony), She vowed to herself to accomplish her father’s goal, not seek revenge, and that goal is to stop fighting on the island. She is a pacifist, but will protect others if she need to. She doesn’t care for either side.
Plays as neutral.

I’m going to update Symphony soon, so that includes his current self is written down. And I promise she’s not OP in fighting, but is effective at music…(That comment may just cost me the character)

For Info on Gambeson @Runa (You should at least watch the video to understand the armor, much better. Don’t make assumptions about the armor.)



Cool thanks. I be adding Symphony’s update tomorrow and I’ll work on Geet’s update, for his you know new arm, which is a little stronger that the original arm.

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Well she sounds, interesting. I am kinda excited to see how she interacts with one of my characters…

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Alright updated Symphony, and Geet. I’ll do Geet first, I needed to do this for a while.
Some people like my chalk-esk drawings, so, here’s one for Y’all

Name: Geet (Song)
Element: Stone
Equipment: Massive Construction Chain (One link is big enough as a handle.), Geet’s dagger, His five connection links (Links that can connect his chain together.), cheap plate armor, His prosthetic arm (twice as strong as his normal arm.)
Appearance: Dark grey and chesnut, He bears a Komau similar to the metru style
Powers: Enhanced strength from left prosthetic arm, 14 years of experience bounty hunting, became one of the most feared bounty hunters, and Blood-lust (Enhances focus, but decreases his morals. also it makes him stronger by 10%)
Bio: Geet’s parents died early on, Their killer, Symphony, took him in, making Geet the step-sibling of melody and Symphony. At the age of seven, Symphony took Geet and trained him in bounty hunting. This continued for 7 years, until Geet killed Symphony. Geet was afraid to meet his step-sister, Melody, so he left the house and became a full fledged bounty hunter, one of the most feared, if you even knew his name, Song…He was eventually called by Ekimu, who knew his passed. Geet thought as this as chance for redemption. He met the group in the broken part of the city, fighting skull-spiders, he traveled with this group, He met up with Melody again, this time he could face her after all those years, because he made a friend he could trust, Blaze (@BlackBeltGamer98). Geet lost his left arm in the battle of the floating arena, he was taken to a city, where he would get his prosthetic arm. Geet eventually met up with his childhood friend, Capella, who had been hunting him down for 14 years. She wanted to bring him to justice for killing Symphony. He eventually calmed her down, telling her the truth about Symphony, a truth she could not bear. Geet, Capella, and Melody left back for the city of mask makers. Capella and Geet head off to meet Ekimu, they shortly find out that a tournament is happening, Geet and Capella join the tournament and learn Symphony is somehow alive and aiming to win the tournament…for his master…

(Symphony update now) (@Runa)
Name: Symphony (Orchestra)
Element: Water
Equipment: His favorite knife, side-sword (still not rapier), and his cloak of shadows.
Appearance: Blue, rusted black, with pieces of his body falling off. His crimson armor creates a almost chilling sight. There are unknown energies swirling in his body. He has no use of his broken body. There is a broke knife or sword (it’s hard to tell) in his head.
Powers: He can take physical damage extremely well and heal faster (Thanks to Sun @KAI_BORG) He can be cut mostly in half and still live fairly well, He can use his shadow cloak to get to far off places extremely fast, not instant. His body seems to “reform itself” over a long period of time, when healing.
Bio: I’ll leave that to you imagination :smiling_imp:

Well, that’s all the updates needed.


If it isn’t to late to join @Runa

Name: Azure
Element: N/A
Equipment: 2x Magma swords 2x Multi pointed “boomerang” shurikens

Bio: Shortly after the events of “Island of Mystery” Azure travels to Okoto through a dimensional gate created by Keltraz. The reason is unknown to Keltraz but Azure knows exactly why she wanted to go there.


curiosity increases

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Curiosity intensifies! Actually!

o hecc you’re right

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I have no plans to really use him, but I figured that it’d be good to have him in the background, especially with Azure in the Jungle Region.

Name: Tathel
Element: Jungle
Equipment: Medical supplies, an obsidian scalpel
Appearance: Trans blue and dark green armor; standard jungle Okotan mask except with his colors (solid dark green melding into trans blue)
Bio/Personality: Tathel is Lync’s younger brother. That means less than you’d expect, what with Lync being Lync. He still cares for his sister, but he feels that he barely knows her, especially in recent years. Tathel is a kind and gentle soul, and never one to step into the spotlight. He has trained for all of his adult life as a healer, and provides this service to some of the smaller villages in his area.



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Name: Keeton, The Ice Protector Trainee
Element:(The element(s) they were born into) Ice
Equipment: An Ice Drill and a saw shield, outfitted with a six shooter and a small bag slung over his shoulder.
Appearance: Around the same size as a Protector, with a more bulky look. He has purple, black and white armour instead of the usual blue tint.
Bio/Personality: Growing up attacked by the Skull Spiders, Keeton wanted to do something to protect his village, eventually looking up to the Protectors and Toa and worshipping Ekimu, becoming a devoted follower and even started training under the current Ice Protector at the time.

He is courageous, headstrong, playful and for some reason always happy and outgoing, like Toa Lewa but if he was made of ice. No matter the situation, he always has a joke or sarcastic comment on hand to lighten the mood.


This could be interesting.

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Just wait until he realizes the group I said working with Sun, I bet that’ll go over well with a trainee protector.~

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Or imagine he meets Symphony.

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Of course, Symphony isn’t working with the group… yet.~

What is said group?

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The team formed through the majority characters

Partially counting Sun due to Blaze’s ‘interferences’.

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