Okotan Adventures

OOC: What happened in the last 30 posts? I was at the store

OOC: Arguing about what to do with the Mask of Flight and questioning the integrity of Ekimu’s prisons.

IC: Lync leaves Ekimu’s forge with a smile on her face, still riding on the thought of a floating island.

Blaze also left the Forge, imagining the fact he could help restore one of the ancient treasures of the island, one that would normally be impossible to do but now… He reminds himself that the Masks are what they need to find and when they ding the Mask of Flight, they shall decide whether or not to bring it to the City or use it to restore the Floating Sky Arena.

He reaches the market and begins purchasing and trading for supplies for the journey.

Atlas leaves the forge and waits to go to the desert.

Kryuin went back to the arena and waited to leave.

Geet walks towards the center of town.

Nuuma, being a resident of the region, helped him gather supplies and decide what to get.

Vinazu went into the nearby jungle to look for a vine for his grappling hook.

Blaze was very glad to have the help, a few of the things on his list were apparently not recommended as they would weigh them down.

Once the supplies are gathered, Blaze and, presumably, Nuuma head out of the market and go to gather the others.

Kryuin heads over to the market.

Athena and Vladin went to Blaze.
V: “Hey! Let’s go! I want to see the Mask of Levitation! I really want to restore the arena and to see how it works. I want to make myself a hover-board!”

“It’s the Mask of Flight, not Levitation.” Blaze corrects. “They have similar powers and that is usually why folks mix them up.” He tells them. “Let’s get the others in our group first.” He starts looking around the city for the others.

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They were walking next to him.

Atlas decides to go to the market as well.

Athena saw him.
“Hey we are preparing to go to find the first mask. Are you coming?”

“Of course I am.” Atlas replies, slightly annoyed.

“Are you OK? You seem annoyed.”



OOC: I think you misunderstood my last post, I was saying “Yep” as in “I’m fine” not as in “I’m annoyed.”

Sorry if this sounded rude.

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OOC: This rp is incredible! Everybody is apologizing. I mean, I never played an rp where people are so polite! Awesome.
IC: “Ugh… I am Athena by the way.”

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