Possible 2018 Standalone CCBS/Constraction Theme?

@OraNui what the heck is that


It’s leaked pictures of Bionicle G3, like I already said.

Jk it’s just some random poster I saw a week before Christmas last year, I don’t even know what it is.


Wow, I thought that you guys were Bonkle fans - this is awesome!

…Nah, seriously, that’s some bizarre art. Looks like 1950’s monster movie promos.


I clearly heard someone said the new theme’s name is…
Voloctoreb. O_o
I still can’t believe it.

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If that really has any credbility to it, it can’t be exactly that. There’s (almost) no way.

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nuh uh




That doesn’t seem like it’s a real word. BIONICLE sounds like a real word. NinjaGo sounds like a real word. Chima sounds like a real word.

How is 'Voloctoreb" even pronounced?


If you really have to think about how a name is pronounced then it’s not good marketing, and I doubt LEGO would go for it.


I agree with all of this, except for one thing - BIONICLE does not sound like a real word. And there are plenty of people who have wondered how to pronounce it. Sure, we might feel differently, but I suspect that that’s because we’ve spent years thinking about Bionicle.


Tin-foil hat time

The Mouse told Lego to kill G2 so it didn’t compete with Star Wars Constraction.

It’s been two years since the line’s debut, and we’ve already looped back around to Vader and a Fett, and smaller waves, which could mean the line is running low on new material.

Maybe Lego is preparing a new Constraction theme to test it’s viability once The Mouse is satisfied and ends the Star Wars Constraction line.

Maybe these leaks are that, maybe these leaks are fake, but Lego could still be working on something, whether these are real or not.


Bit late on that one. I came up with that theory a few hours after G2 got canned back in July of 2016. :joy:


I also want to point out that this “leak”, if backed by legitimate evidence, is unlikely to be coming from a straight-up retailer catalog; it’s something more internal than that. Few retailers, if any, are going to have access to this; nah, I would make the guess that this is some kind of early, preliminary promotional material. In addition to the very real possibility that “Voloctoreb” is a foreign-language version of something else, it’s important to remember that TLG codenamed G1 “Woo-Doo Heads” back in the late nineties. Looking at that, this doesn’t immediately seem too implausible.

That said, I still haven’t heard from a trusted source yet, so I’m holding off on this one for the time being.

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Oh, I know it isn’t a new theory, I just wanted to mention it again so others can think about it.


G1 wasn’t codenamed voodoo heads, that was the original theme that was reworked into bionicle,
From what I remember.

Regardless voloctoreb sounds outlandishly fake.


Nah; that was a “codename”, insofar as it would never be considered for production. It was a working title, similar to the names that Lucas used when drafting what would eventually become ANH; stuff like “The Adventures of Luke Starkiller” and “The Journal of the Whills”. All of the materials drafted for “Woo-Doo Heads” or Voodoo Heads" are noticeably very rough and unfinished; some of the videos that Faber put up on his blog go into that.

Additionally, I mentioned “Woo-Doo Heads”. “Voodoo Heads” was a different stage.

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Alright, happy to be corrected.

Voloctoreb can only be a working title or fake, and I’m erring on the side of fake personally, it just sounds too gibberish for me.

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Oh, I agree. Even so, I felt like playing devil’s advocate, y’know. We could be wrong, I guess, but it does seem like a pretty huge stretch. I’m not sure if this topic should even stay open; however, I’ll leave that to the mods.

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so what could that name mean if it’s just a placeholder?

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|Crazy Speculation Mode|

  • It could mean nothing - it’s false information proffered by a deceptive fellow.
  • It could be a foreign translation of a real-world term, or something along the lines of a real world term, like the faux terms “ThrowBots” or “Roborider”.
  • It could be a misspelling of a working title like “Velocitorbot” or something, like speed…?

In all solemn seriousness, though, I suspect that it is not a legitimate lead.


sounds more like a possible throwbots reboot, just a hunch though


I mean, you’re free to speculate if you’d like.

So, where are folks hearing this name?

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