Show Us Your Self-MOCs!

Awwwww, I wanted to submit it to gringat’s project.


Don’t tempt me

You can do it later.


Alrighty, seeing as we’ve got a Self-Moc thread going, I’ve got an open question to you all. What is your thoughts on people (myself a culprit) of having more than one Self-Moc over their active years? Personally, I feel that as I’ve aged, my Self-Moc more reflects my current mindset.


Depends on how people view their SelfMOC.

If their SM is a representation of them as a person, then it makes sense that as a person changes, but a character doesn’t, they redesign their SelfMOC.

On the other hand, if people simply say that their “main character” is their SelfMOC, I don’t usually see the need to really change it.


I can kind of understand someone creating a new selfmoc, especially if they’re getting out of an edgy phase, but… Principally, I think people, as well as the creator, tend to imprint on the first selfmoc presented. In which case latter selfmocs may not impact others as much as it does the creator.

As such, I tend to prefer the concept of your selfmoc evolving over time with you and letting others see that change in both your skills and what your character has come to represent in the latest iteration. And this evolution can include color and story changes, certainly.

But as said above, it depends on whether you see your selfmoc as a representation or as just a character.


there is no need to call me out like that.


Echoing Monarth slightly to say, do you realize how many horrible self mocs I’ve had? I mean, how many utterly repulsive, poorly-built, mismatched, disgusting, utterly irredeemable self mocs I have not only built, but dared to associate myself with?

There’s been at least seven in Bionicle alone, and if we’re counting noticeable variations among each that’s upwards of 30. Do not be afraid to get a new self moc, because the standards of you now are higher than the standards of yourself from when you built that self moc. Eventually you’ll find the right place where the character is flexible enough in its design that you can significantly modify the design indefinitely and still allow it to portray your current skill/mindset.

Like how all the Ghid fanart out there definitely echoes both my and the community’s mindset of me:

the mindset: pure terror


the kind induced by being the presence of inestimable levels of divine power.


I’ve had two other Self-MOCs over the years. Gringat technically wasn’t my first, if you count Sig-figs as Self-MOCs.
Meet D7, my Self-MOC from around 2005 to 2008:

I had the username Gringat well before I came up with Gringat as a character and self-MOC. Really I ended up making him due to peer pressure on MOCpages to make a Bionicle self-MOC.

I have a (very old) video where teen me talks about the history of each version of Gringat up to and including his current version and all other versions of him made by the MOCpages community at the time. He’s remained in one piece (with modifications here and there) since 2013.

I also had a secondary (or tertiary) self-MOC in the form of Mezzinus around 2011. A little later and I’d made both Bio-MOC and minifig versions of all three:

At this point though, Gringat is my one and only Self-MOC. He was created deliberately to use an unpopular mask and stand out from other Self-MOCs. He has odd socks, he has a beard, he has big ears. But he also ended up becoming a very complex character over time, with a strong emphasis on environmental conservation, which I would later go on to study.

In retrospect I could see D-7 as a Self-MOC/SigFig representing my childhood, Mezzinus representing my awkward TFOL years, and Gringat himself to represent me as I am now. I don’t know if that will always be the case but I don’t see it changing again any time soon.

I’ve been keeping tabs on a lot of self-MOCs in the community both through my self-MOC chibi project and just because of the reason I started that project in the first place - they’re such an important facet of the constraction community that I grew up with. I’ve seen friends of mine rebrand themselves with a new self-MOC time and again, whether it’s because of a personal change in their real life identity, online activity, or just wanting to shake things up and change for the sake of change. Others have kept with the same one for as long as I’ve known them.

Self-MOCs are curious things. Infinitely variable, each one with the ideas, personality, and priorities of a flesh and blood person behind them. Whether it’s made to just be an online persona out of a sense of obligation, to be a magnum opus to be the biggest MOC ever or a virtuoso build to show the best you can do, or it’s just an old MOC or character you have a sentimental attachment to.

There are no real rules and I think that’s one of the best things. :slight_smile:


Literally couldn’t have detailed it any better, tbh. I still have intact iterations of each of my three Self-Mocs, now that I think of it.


this is perhaps the greatest self moc of all time


I technically have two self-MOCs, Jethryn as my G1 selfMOC and Jetera as my G2 selfMOC. I considered them to have the equivalent relationship that Tahu Mata had to Tahu, Master of Fire. Jetera has had more depth put into him and is a better developed character (and MOC), with his only real downside being that he belongs in the now defunct G2 canon. As such, I want to have a roughly parallel version of Jethryn, though I’m not sure whether I want to have him mirror Jetera’s design explicitly, or use a more traditional BIONICLE design.

My mindset now is somewhat closer to that when I was working on Jethryn rather than Jetera, but I also see no issue in having one or both “age with me”, either in personality or aesthetic choices.


I’ve had Hikaru as my self-MOC the entire time I’ve been actively engaged with the Bionicle fandom, which would be since either late 2008 or early 2009.

He’s been revamped loads of times (I remember being really excited when Kiina was revealed in 2009 because useful light blue pieces were hard to come by and I could finally give him Inika feet). His name has changed slightly too (note that he was still called ‘Hikarion’ back when the linked image was uploaded), but at his core he’s still the same character, largely because I don’t feel like a measurably different person that I did when I was a teenager.

I remember there being a time when people in the community had multiple concurrent self-MOCs though, coining terms like secondary and tertiary self-MOC, which I didn’t really understand. I think I had a couple of MOCs that had those titles too, even though they didn’t really reflect me in any way.


Styrrik in both his earliest (circa 2006) form and his current design!


He’s come a long ways since then, I love his color-scheme, in fact it reminds me of some sort of Gundam robot. And his design is excellent as with all of your MOCs. Only thing that slightly confuses me is the mismatched blue and black pins but if that was intentional then I understand, still doesn’t takeaway from how awesome this guy looks.


Oh, that’s a perspective trick. they’re not the same part-- one is 2l and the other is 3l, so the swords can store overlapping one another:


Guys remember that cube? Well, he became more curvy.

And then he found a mech.

And then he got out to go play dnd

And then he ate some cake

And then he had some la croix to wash it down


Phew i had a lot of versions of my self moc. The first was a combination of Onua uniter, quake beast and terak. Later i had some weird nokama hordika masked thing. One of the versions of Notkama had an actual kanohi (it fell down and the axel part of the metru head broke). After that it was transmutated into Knockoff knoxus. Then I build a system selfmoc. From that version on i established the name Senit for my self mocs.
After that these came:

(Its the thing in the background)

Kinda cool looking big guy (couldnt stand)

Shorter version


Senit the Toa of air. In his white and lime glory.

Senit toa of air except different.

Now I made senit a toa of lightning for some reason (it’s my favorite element)

Yeah ot not really a consistent thing. But the way I build and the stuff I build always changed until the first version of Toa Senit at least.


Are they all your self-mocs or is only one currently?