Star Wars: Survival Over Illum (signups and discussion)

won’t be on for another 45 min, sorry

Alright, we’ll hold it for you. Currently everything is filler posts haha
EDIT might be on the phone with my girlfriend when you get here, but I’ll keep my phone on auto email refresh
EDIT 2: I’m now realizing how attached I am to these characters. And also how interesting it is that the three of you left had my favorite characters out of the whole game


Sorry if this outcome was kind of railroaded into happening. (predictably) this was my plan for Kaiden from he start, and I’m glad I was able to have it happen. What can I say, I’m a sucker for heroic sacrifices. :stuck_out_tongue: tho this does feel like Kryuin and Blaze all over again.


What can I say, I don’t like seeing the sacrifice play when it involves a character I’ve become invested in.

And having a character who is trying their darnedest to make sure everyone survives but is denied by that sacrifice can make for quite the harrowing and somber note to close this chapter on.


Do you remember what ever happened to Kaiden’s cloak? I know he had given it to Ygdras at some point, but I lost track of it from there.

I think it’s safe to say Ygdras has his and Kaiden’s cloak considering that I don’t recall Ygdras giving it…then again, that was months ago IRL and I may be remembering things wrong.

Either he has it, or I vaguely remember Ygdras moodily throwing it back toward Kaiden at some point. idk, was just wondering.

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either way, he has at least one cloak…i think

Nobody wanted Kaiden to die. It was a great pre-official ending ending. I’m excited for the sequel



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None of the characters :joy:


So, any hints of how the three remaining younglings are gonna get off-world and to Degobah(?) alive?

wait, degobah?

Yes, where else can these children find better refuge than the world Grand Master Yoda exiled himself to? It seems only logical that could be an eventual goal. But who knows if they’ll see those swamps? Maybe the younglings will just scatter across the galaxy in hiding like Kanan Jarrus an Obi-wan did and lie in wait or take on entirely new lives? The possibilities are endless.

Well the clones had to have had a ship. And yes, after dagobah where yoda will basically teach them how to learn on their own (kinda like my dad when I started learning drums, he taught me enough to let me learn by myself through all sorts of sources) we’ll send them off to wherever. Chimm will probably go somewhere where there’s a Jedi temple or something, I have suggestions for the other two if y’all would want to participate in the sequel

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I was thinking of having Ygdras join a Mandelorian clan, like the Mandolorian, or maybe going to Black Spire and settling there as a hired hand for Dok or just around the place in general. Maybe he could go to that old Jedi Temple from “Alphabet Squadron”; I still haven’t settled on anything quite yet.

But, I am curious what you have in mind and am interested in a sequel.

I was thinking Kay and/or Ygdras could join the rebellion for the sequel and kind of head up the task force. I already have a guy to lead the imperial group

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Ygdras and Kay helping the Rebellion? I like that. But what about Chimm?

Oh, I decided to make a rough avatar of Ygdras after he joins the Rebellion. the game I used was a bit limited but I think the basic idea of what he looks like is there:


those are some bright pants, but yeah, that looks great and exactly how I pictured him.

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Yeah, I would look for hex codes for the colors I want but I got lazy and just went with what I think looked nice without too much clashing (Though I will agree, those pants are a bit too brightly colored). But I think I was able to get the general gist covered.

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