Sun shines down on another idyllic day in Normsville. A big GRAND OPENING sign stands in front of a shiny laboratory building, shaped like a cube and covered in stainless steel. Standing in front of the doors is a short, elderly man with a shock of white hair. Beside him is a long table with different bottles and thermos.
“Hm, seems no one is here yet. Still, we’ve got time. Yes, plenty of time now…”
@LTVmocs @jayzor17 @TheMOCingbird @Morgy @ToaTumult @Toa_Distraxx
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Ivan steps out from the side of the building, exclaiming “Vhat do you mean by zis?
Frederick turns to greet the newcomer.
“Ah yes! Ivan Shnozwick, I presume? We’re going to wait a little bit before the big show, but if you like, I give you a closer look at some of these serums, eh?”
Ivan twirls his moustache, saying “Zat von’t be necessary, it vouldn’t be fair for me to get a running start against das other applicants. Reminds me of time I give bear gun for equal fight. I still have skin.”
OOC: should I type in “Russian accent” or is it too confusing?
“Er, very well then, we shall wait for some more people to arrive. Speaking of, where is my worthless assistant?” Frederick raises his voice. “SIMON! GET OUT HERE!”
The doors burst open and Simon comes out, carrying a box of glowing vials.
“Alright, alright, cool your jets ya crazy old man.”
“Cut the snark and get to work organizing the products! We must be ready as soon as the others arrive!”
SImon gets to work, grumbling mutinously.
OOC: @ToaTumult your fine.
Scott was standing a block away from the lab. “Well, this is it.” He walked to the entrance. “Excuse me, is this uh-” He looked at a piece of paper. “-Frederick Artanium’s lab?” He crumpled the piece of paper he was holding. “I’m here for an opening or something.”
Blake comes up the street and eyes the old man suspiciously before trotting over to Simon.
Ivan first eyes the newcomer, then the dog. “Velcome comrades!” He then whispers under his breath, “Zey don’t grow zem like zey do back in Siberia.”
“Ah, yes, greetings! There are a couple of people we’re waiting on, but it’s almost time!” Frederick says, rubbing his hands together excitedly.
Simon knels down and holds his hand out to the dog.
“Hey there boy, where did you come from?”
Blake barks happily then proceeds to sit down tail waging in front of Simon.
Simon checks for a collar while petting the dog on the head.
OOC Is Simon holding any elixirs?
OOC ok
IC Blake sits panting as if he is waiting for something to happen.
Lauren walks slowly down the street, hands tucked into her pockets. She slows to stop a small distance away from the group, scouting them out curiously.
Simon remains preoccupied petting the dog, but Frederick spots Lauren and waves her over. “Greetings, Laurel wasn’t it? It’s a pleasure to see you.”
“Laur-en, actually. With an ‘n’.” She slowly walks closer, arms close to her sides. “I take it this is the lab.”
Blake looks Lauren’s way before nuzzling Simon and giving him a wet lick to the face.
Scott continued to wait for the others.
“Ah yes, my apologies, can’t imagine how I got that wrong.” (